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20th Rybnik Foto Festival
08.-10.09.2023 / Historic Ignacy Mine in Rybnik, ul. I. Mościckiego 3 / Powiatowa i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna, 7 Józefa Szafranka St. / Museum named after Fr. Emil Drobny in Rybnik, 18 Rynek St. / Teatr Ziemi Rybnickiej, 1 K. Kutz Square in the program: author presentations: Diana Lelonek | Justyna Mielnikiewicz | Anna...
Mark Pozniak photographing residents of Chernarus for 30 years
It was 1992, and Czarnkow, a small town in Greater Poland in the district of Trzcianec and Czarnkow on the Notec River, was celebrating its 800th anniversary. Marek Pozniak, a native of Czarnkow but no longer living there, throws out an idea: let's take 800 photographs of residents for the town's 800th anniversary. The mayor "buys" the idea and the young photographer sets to work. Thanks to the favor of the principal of Elementary School No. 1 and several female teachers,...
Monika Piotrowska invites you to a story about Helena Hulewicz, a photographer from 130 years ago
A meeting promoting a new videopodcast by Monika Piotrowska, head of proFotografia and author of "Kwartalnik Fotografia", will begin this Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 6 pm at the Raczynski Library in Poznan. The title of the podcast and the meeting: Nice Beast. Helena Hulewiczowa - amateur photographer. In the amateur environment of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, women were like exotic birds. They left when children appeared and...
Edward Hartwig Mazovian Landscapes
09.07.2023 / 15.30 / at the Granary of Wilkow on the grounds of the Radom Village Museum in Radom, 30 Szydłowiecka St. Photographs works representing a cross-section of seven decades of creative work of one of the most outstanding Polish photographers. An artist recognized on all continents, whose works have been and are presented in the world's largest art galleries. Edward Hartwig was born in...
"Quarterly Photography" No. 42 - pre-sale
We begin taking orders for the new issue of our "Quarterly". As usual, the pre-order (until July 31 this year) is cheaper - 40 PLN + shipping costs, from August 1 the price will increase to 46 PLN. KF 42 will be published in the first half of August. Each order of "KF 42" in the pre-sale will be accompanied by a free issue of "Review", the periodical of the School of Photography....
Meeting with Tomasz Tomaszewski
15.06.2023 / 18.00 / Center for Non-Governmental Organizations in Radom, 15 Rynek Street The Foundation for Visual Arts "Gloria Lucis" and the FORMATS Collective invite you to an author's meeting with one of the most outstanding Polish photographers Tomasz Tomaszewski. "I raise the camera to my eye and pick out a fragment of the world. Intuitively, maybe a bit reasonably, but certainly with the conviction that nothing...
HOPE - Fotofestiwal 2023
Fotofestiwal was established in 2001. It was one of the first photographic events in Poland: a small, spontaneous initiative of sociology students. Today, it's an international event with more than 20,000 visitors each year. The festival takes place in Lodz - a city with a remarkable industrial history, which has inspired the organizers from the beginning. Exhibitions are shown in post-industrial spaces: the center of...
Exhibitions on revolutions of matter - Afterlife and Extraction
30.06 - 08.10.2023 / vernissage at 7:00 pm / BWA Wrocław Main Gallery, 105 Pilsudski St. (1st floor) The exhibitions about the revolutions of matter - The Afterlife and The Extraction - are two independent narratives from Silesia, the historical land where Anna Orlowska and Michal Luczak live. The artist and the artist work mainly in the medium of photography. The double exhibition at the largest gallery...
Vanishing walls - limestone
Limestone as a building material has been used for centuries and in various regions of the country. For me, buildings and structures made of limestone look most beautiful in the area of the Krakow-Czestochowa Jurassic Highland, blending into the landscape of limestone rocks, immersed in Jurassic green, contrasting with the colors of autumn, wrapped in the white of winter. The architecture harmonizes with its surroundings and complements the natural landscape. Medieval fortresses,...
02.06.2023 / 18:00 / exhibition until 27.06.2023 / B&B Gallery of Photography, Włókniarzy Miejski Dom Kultury, 12 1 Maja St., Bielsko-Biała The cycles of Andrzej Grudnia presented at the exhibition build a multi-threaded story constructed exclusively from self-portraits. This common denominator sets the exhibition in the area of deeply subjective and emotional photography. This applies both to the original motivation for the creation of the works, as well as to the...
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