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Youth portfolio

Catherine Zawadzka's collision with the illusion of the virtual world
As part of the Youth Portfolio series, the author sent 3 series, of which we have selected the one titled Deficiencies for publication.In it, the author touches on a number of problems that not only she faces. She is painfully affected by the unexpected departure of both her parents, and seeks rescue and solace in photography and social media. The latter fail her severely. Severely enough that...
Multiplication of internal colors
The psychology of colors in everyday life, as well as in art, says a lot about us. Not only artists pouring their emotions through paints onto canvases were guided by this inner stained glass of their soul's colors. Most people who photograph in color do exactly the same thing. In the subjects studied by Naz Kay and Helen H. Epps in terms of the influence of colors on...
Disappearing professions
It is very often the case that when looking at such photographs, a person cannot in any way deny the claim that photography is a certain form of mourning the world.Lukasz Romanowski, Mr. JasiekNowadays we can see very clearly with what tremendous speed everything we knew, our parents knew, our grandparents knew, is simply disappearing. Photography has always had the task of capturing, stopping...
Provincial Road Photographer
There is a good chance that I simply have not reached any publications where I would have found a definition of "road photographer" or at least seen the names of photographers and photographers who are attributed to this phenomenon. However, I dare say that such definitions and phrases have already appeared more than once in various records. Also, I am striking a small irony at the very popular thought that....
Maciej Bonk - this time in Ponidzie
The author of the photographs wrote thus: The primary function of my photographs is to be more in a given place. The secondary is to show others how I see a place with the hope that someone will find such a view interesting, or similar to their own.The decision to publish photos from Ponidzie is not an easy one, as there are probably hundreds of photos taken there every day, many of which...
Taming loneliness by Michal Lewandowski
"Boxing is not chess - here you have to think". - this golden thought of Jerzy Kulej, Olympic boxing champion from many years ago, went down in history not only of funny sayings of athletes. It was so surprising and "improbable" that it prompted ... thinking, which, however, does not have to be boxing.Michal Lewandowski is a chess player, but also a photographer with a love of nature, who, with the help of...
Self-therapy with self-portraits - Matthew Kowalczyk
There is probably no photographer who has not taken a self-portrait. The most famous among the pioneers of the invention of photography was certainly Hippolyte Bayard, who as early as 1840, photographing himself as a "suicide," expressed his great regret to the whole world that it was not to him that the palm of precedence in the invention of photography was awarded, but to some Daguerre or Talbot.Also, later artists very...
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