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Disappearing professions

It is very often the case that when looking at such photographs, a person cannot in any way deny the claim that photography is a certain form of mourning the world.

Luke Romanowski, Mr. Jasiek

These days we can see very clearly with what tremendous speed everything we knew, our parents knew, our grandparents knew, is simply disappearing. Photography has always had the task of immortalizing, of preserving for posterity the passing worlds. Thanks to it, we know what they looked like 50 or 100 years ago. Thanks to it, we also have the opportunity to look not only at , "postcards from the past," but we can explore knowledge of people's daily lives.

Our inner (closest, family) worlds, seemingly small and insignificant, were and are as important as major events and changes in the world and therefore worth photographing all the more so in times that bring irreversible changes to our lives at a dizzying pace. This was also the thought of Albert Kahn, who, starting in 1909, wanted to create an "archive of the planet."

This is no longer an impression, but a fact that we are living in a watershed period from which not only familiar places and landscapes are disappearing forever, but people who until their last days were representatives of professions that are fading into oblivion.  

In the photographs of Lukasz Romanowski we can see one such representative. As the author wrote -.He is an 80-year-old shepherd from Debno in the Pieniny Mountains. Mr. Jasiek has been herding sheep for more than 40 years.

Luke Romanowski, Mr. Jasiek

From a conversation with Mr. Jasek, it seems that young people do not garner grazing, it is not an attractive profession or way of life for them.

Luke Romanowski - A photo amateur, taking analog photographs. For several years, photography has become a serious medium for him.

1 Komentarzy

  • Jurek
    Posted 7 November 2024 at 21:39

    Weak these photoprints. Very strange for someone to write that he is a ZPAFF member!

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