photo exhibition, book promotion and conversation with the author / 15.02.2023 / 17:00 / BPMG, 12a Staszica St. "365. ARCHEOLOGY OF MEMORY. GNIEZNO 2022" - is a year-long literary and photographic project, which from beginning to end is dedicated to the city, where the author of the project has lived, worked and created for 53 years. It is, spread over consecutive...
- With a certain shyness I took out of the drawer my text from years ago, which, I believe, has not grown old, because the Boguslaw Biegowski exhibition analyzed in it, one of the most important in his oeuvre, has never been shown in large professional galleries, except for the episode in Wegrowork, which I refer to in my text - so began the letter of Krzysztof Szymoniak, who...
January 20, 2023 / 6:00 pm / City Gallery in Środa WLKP / 16 Stary Rynek Street The photographs presented at the exhibition were not created as a result of some methodical thought, nor are they the result of planned action. For years they have been accumulating and multiplying in the archive in a completely spontaneous and uncontrolled manner. Most often they do not perform any function...
I look at the shadow cast by the tree. The white man's civilization begins with a "tree of life," and each individual is entitled to a pair of planks at the end of his life. Without wood, there would have been no Noah's Ark or Christopher Columbus. Nor would there likely have been a kola or a cross. Without the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil," there would have been no original sin, and thus no trees....
It is very often the case that when looking at such photographs, a person cannot in any way deny the statement that photography is a certain form of mourning the world. Lukasz Romanowski, Mr. JasiekNowadays we can see very clearly with what tremendous speed everything we knew, our parents, grandparents knew, is simply disappearing. Photography has always had the task of capturing, stopping...
Looking at the photographs Maciej Sztorc sent to us, the first thought that came to my mind was to recall a saying by Andrzej Jerzy Lech: "the most important thing for your camera is what is 15 meters away from it". The meaning, and therefore also the implications of this phrase, are so capacious and extensive that developing it one could write many a dissertation. One...
I knock on the door of the stone. - It's me, let me in. (...) - I don't have a door - says the stone - W. Szymborska,...
The author of the photographs wrote thus: The primary function of my photographs is to be more in a given place. The secondary is to show others how I see a place with the hope that someone will find such a view interesting, or similar to their own. The decision to publish photos from Ponidzie is not an easy one, as there are probably hundreds of photos taken there every day, many of which...
Even an empty landscape is full of vague presences for me, actually a landscape cannot be empty, it always takes form. When I face the space, I am in it at the same time, and when I am left alone with it, being like a medium, I sense a gentle vibration, it is emptiness. Marek Noniewicz, Skrzetusko square by the Construction School Complex, Bydgoszcz, 2004 (now altered) "Machines....
There is probably no photographer who has not taken a self-portrait. The most famous among the pioneers of the invention of photography was certainly Hippolyte Bayard, who as early as 1840, photographing himself as a "suicide," expressed his great regret to the whole world that it was not to him that the palm of precedence in the invention of photography was awarded, but to some Daguerre or Talbot. Also, later artists very...