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"Flores" by Szymon Kobusinski in Sopot.
The opening at the State Art Gallery in Sopot will take place on Friday, 01.09.2023 at 7 p.m., and the exhibition will run until 17.09. The Flores project by Szymon Kobusinski is a visual meditation and reflection on the nature of memory. At the same time, the work itself, as well as the process of its creation, is a way for the artist to cope with the grief of lost moments, which in the right...
20th Rybnik Foto Festival
08.-10.09.2023 / Historic Ignacy Mine in Rybnik, ul. I. Mościckiego 3 / Powiatowa i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna, 7 Józefa Szafranka St. / Museum named after Fr. Emil Drobny in Rybnik, 18 Rynek St. / Teatr Ziemi Rybnickiej, 1 K. Kutz Square in the program: author presentations: Diana Lelonek | Justyna Mielnikiewicz | Anna...
IKONY - Iwona Suszycka
IKONY - Iwona Suszycka series. RECOMMENDATIONS /Sylwester Hawry³ August 18, 2023 /Friday/ at 18:00 The Bridge Gallery invites you to the vernissage of photography: The subject of time and its passing has always been present in art. The need to explore, to get to the foundations of our roots, as well as the desire to refresh memories, is natural for us, although we do not often have the opportunity to see interpretations....
Mark Pozniak photographing residents of Chernarus for 30 years
It was 1992, and Czarnkow, a small town in Greater Poland in the district of Trzcianec and Czarnkow on the Notec River, was celebrating its 800th anniversary. Marek Pozniak, a native of Czarnkow but no longer living there, throws out an idea: let's take 800 photographs of residents for the town's 800th anniversary. The mayor "buys" the idea and the young photographer sets to work. Thanks to the favor of the principal of Elementary School No. 1 and several female teachers,...
"Quarterly Photography" issue 42 is here!
This morning the print run of the latest issue arrived. We immediately began packing, labeling and shipping. As assured by InPost, the first readers will receive their favorite photography magazine as early as Monday, August 14. Those who have not pre-ordered KF 42 can still do so. Table of contents of "Quarterly Photography" No. 42Just go HERE and order. It's really worth it - quote here....
"Illustrations of Unpublished Fairy Tales" by Jacek Boczar in Wroclaw.
Illustrations of Unpublished Fairy Tales is a series of photographs based on the author's colorful imagination. They can be perceived both as single photographs and as an endless series of fairy tales. It is an invitation to travel in the world of painterly sensibility, which on the plane of photography meets reality. The series should be seen as a delight in a dream that could exist and be...
Blood avant-gardists - Bronislaw Preibisz and Roman Stanislaw Ulatowski
Please join us this Thursday at 6pm at the Poznan Lazega for a meeting around the photographs of Bronislaw Preibisz and Roman Stefan Ulatowski - photographers of artists in the vanguard of efforts to recognize photography as a serious field of art! There will be another podcast about them, and for now we also invite you to watch and listen to the first episode of the podcast about Helena Hulewiczova and earlier...
Monika Piotrowska invites you to a story about Helena Hulewicz, a photographer from 130 years ago
A meeting promoting a new videopodcast by Monika Piotrowska, head of proFotografia and author of "Kwartalnik Fotografia", will begin this Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 6 pm at the Raczynski Library in Poznan. The title of the podcast and the meeting: Nice Beast. Helena Hulewiczowa - amateur photographer. In the amateur environment of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, women were like exotic birds. They left when children appeared and...
Leonard Jabrzemski - Return to Life
Galeria Obok ZPAF, Plac Zamkowy 8, Warsaw / Opening ceremony July 20, 2023 / 7 pm / The exhibition will last until August 20, 2023 Exhibition of photographs from 1945-1959 Leonard Jabrzemski (1887 - 1970) is a somewhat forgotten photographer of Warsaw. When looking at his work, the first thing that strikes the eye are the frames realized just after the end of World War II and...
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