Berlin Photo Week 2022 - ,,State of Emergency. Exhibition of Polish Photography

September 9, 2022, 7 pm (opening) - 01, 2023 / ZAK - Center for Contemporary Art at Zitadelle Spandau Am Juliusturm 64, 13599 Berlin / Friday - Wednesday, 10 am - 5 pm, Thursday, 1 - 8 pm.
The exhibition will feature, as many as 26 artists from Poland: Rafał Milach, Igor Omulecki, Anna Orłowska, Witek Orski, Zosia Promińska, Agnieszka Rayss, Łukasz Rusznica, Michał Siarek, Michał Szlaga, Magda Hueckel, Pawel Jaszczuk, Irena Kalicka, Anna Kieblesz, Zuza Krajewska, Adam Lach & Dyba Lach, Diana Lelonek, Michał Łuczak, , Dominik Tarabanski, Łukasz Wierzbowski, Karolina Wojtas, Piotr Zbierski, Filip Berendt, Kuba Dąbrowski, Karolina Gembara, Weronika Gęsicka, Aneta Grzeszykowska.

The exhibition presents 26 representatives of the younger and middle generation of Polish photographers and photographic artists. Among others, you will be able to see photographs from the "strike" by Rafał Milach.

The exhibition will be accompanied by lectures and a photo book reading room, and a catalog will also be available for purchase. The exhibition, which will be the largest show of Polish photography in Germany to date, is intended as a contribution to the deepening of Polish-German neighborly relations. The country has seen a growing interest in Germany's eastern neighbor and its culture in recent years.

The exhibition is part of Berlin Photo Week 2022: