The new issue opens with two extensive "Ukrainian" materials - photographs by Marek Berezowski and Wojciech Grzędzinski. Later Presentations works of Polish and foreign photographers: Grzegorz Przyborek, Jacenty Dędek, Roman Franc, Arkadiusz Gola, Tomasz Mielech, Tadeusz Żaczek, Tori Moberly, Jakub Byrczek, Karolina Wojtas; Talks With Tomasz Tomaszewski, editors of the German magazine Photonews, and Mark Szyryk; Reports From the Fotofestival, Contacts, and the Photography Academy; History - on the occasion of the 30th anniversary, we have Adam Sobota's extensive material on the Poznan pf Gallery at the time when its manager and curator was Janusz Nowacki. Extremely interesting promises to be Polemic Krzysztof Jurecki with Adam Mazur about the exhibition Photographywhich took place at the beginning of the year at the Museum of Photography in Cracow. The issue ends, as usual, with reviews Books photographic, we also have a very interesting surprise that will be given free of charge to all who pre-order KF 42. 112 pages of what's most interesting.
Each order of "KF 42" in the pre-sale was accompanied free of charge by an issue of "Przeglad", the periodical of the Charles School of Photography from Wroclaw. For those who order "KF 42" after the pre-sale time, we do not guarantee the inclusion of "Przeglad", we have a limited number of it.