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"Once Upon a Time in the East". - Vladimír Birgus at the ZPAF Old Gallery

Warsaw ZPAF invites you to an exhibition by one of the most important Czech photographers of the 20th century. The exhibition, "Once Upon a Time in the East," is a black-and-white postcard from the days of the USSR - when so much, had to, and so little was allowed.

The exhibition "Once Upon a Time in the East: Photographs from the years when so much had to be done and so little was allowed" can be viewed until May 27, 2022 in ZPAF Old Gallery, at Castle Square 8 w Warsaw.

Photographs from the years when so much had to be done and so little was allowed

On February 24, 2022, we woke up to a completely different reality. The curtain fell and it turned out that our illusory hopes that everyone cared about peace were in ruins. Putin did not hesitate to turn naive hopes into rubble in Kiev, Kharkiv, Mariupol and many other cities and towns in Ukraine. The brazen heads of Russian politicians lied to us in the news services, pushing on us a reality that never existed. In the blink of an eye, we realized that more than thirty years of freedom from Russian imperialism was about to come to an end. Here again was one man yearning to decide what everyone around him should think and feel. The more experienced among us remember the days when socialist social engineering shaped life in all the countries of the so-called Eastern Bloc.


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