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30.03.2023 / at 18:00 / Gallery of the Gdynia Film Center / Gdynia ul. Pl. Grunwaldzki 2 "Illustrations of Unpublished Fairy Tales" is a series of photographs based on the author's colorful imagination. They can be perceived both as single photographs and as an endless series of fairy tales. It is an invitation to travel in the world of painterly sensibility, which on the plane of photography meets...
Relationship Obsessions at Centrala Gallery
March 18, 2023 / at 18:00 / exhibition until April 15, 2023 / Galeria Centrala ul. Pl. Cyril Ratajski 6A, Poznan Marta Szyszka The exhibition OBSESSIONS OF RELATIONSHIPS presents the works of Poznan female photographers dealing with various forms of photography. Summing up a year of joint creative work in the framework of a photo sabbatical, the artists will show four individual stories. Photo Sabbaths are cyclical meetings aimed at women engaged in...
Julia Klewaniec - Silent Racism / Silent Racism
17.03.2023 / at 18.00 / FOTO-GEN Gallery of the Center for Culture and Art in Wroclaw On Friday, March 17 at 18.00 we invite you to a meeting with Julia Klewaniec, winner of the ZinCall category of the Talent of the Year 2022 competition organized by Pix.House, which will focus on her debut project "Silent Racism / Silent Racism". The exhibition and publication realized by Klewaniec draws attention to the phenomenon of "silent...
Armenia 90/92
11.03.223 / Galeria Atelier / 17:00 / Chelm 24 Lwowska St. , "The earth like a living being has its own soul and without a native land, without a close connection with one's own homeland, it is impossible to find oneself, impossible to find one's own soul." Martiros Sarian The ancient land of Armenia lies in the high mountains, north of the great...
 March 8, 2023 / 6:00 pm / Gallery Next to ZPAF / Castle Square 8, Warsaw / exhibition open until April 6, 2023 The project was inspired by my grandfather's stamp collection. It depicted a model of the world dominated by national soothsayers, great leaders, enlightened sages, scientists and artists. It reflected a social and cultural system in which men...
Jolanta Rycerska - On the search for photography in oneself
March 9, 2023 / 6:00 pm / Center for Non-Governmental Organizations in Radom, 15 Rynek Street The Foundation for Visual Arts "Gloria Lucis" and the FORMATS Collective invite you to an author's meeting with Jolanta Rycerska, Doctor of Art, graduate of the Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy, the European Academy of Photography and the ZPAF Photography Studio. She serves as president of the ZPAF Main Board, curator of exhibitions and lecturer. We will talk...
A lover of looking - Kamil Myszkowski
vernissage 1.03.2023 / hour 18:30 / Gallery Katowice Zpaf The presented exhibition is the result of the last five years of my research work on the photo amateur movement, and its main purpose is to illustrate the attitudes and image of the photo amateur as it has developed in history and culture. This is, of course, a certain perspective on the problem under discussion, as it seems impossible to create a comprehensive...
Waiting Room
3.03-21.04.2023 / Bydgoszcz Art Center Jagiellońska 47 St. The exhibition will open with a conversation led by psychotherapists Maria Szuster and Elżbieta Marchlewicz: "Moving in the Waiting Room - the meeting of art and psychoanalysis". We invite you to attend on March 3 at 7 p.m. An excerpt from the curator's text: (...) The cold blue light turns the gallery space into a sterile place of waiting. It is divided by a curtain of...
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