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Collective exhibition of RSF members at Unreal Gallery

Opening on Friday, June 3 at 18:00, exhibition until June 30, 2022  

Unreal Gallery, 10 Matejki St., Rzeszow  
Rzeszow Photographic Association  

Photographs by members of the Rzeszow Photographic Association
presented in this exhibition are united by two things: format and subject matter. The imposed size of a single photo, 10×10 cm, enforces graphic discipline. The image must be interesting, meaningful, perhaps even symbolic. If it is to depict a detail, it must be large enough for the viewer to see. If we have a landscape on it, it must speak with a clear graphic form.
The chosen theme - that is, recording the graphic qualities of an image perceived in nature - seemed to us to be suitable for the assumed format of the work. The difficulty turned out to be the selection of material. In the end, we managed to create sets that are aesthetically consistent and, as we hope, interesting for the viewer. Among the presented photographs we can find both a detail - a fragment of a flower, a blade of grass, a branch, a drop of dew, as well as a landscape "whole" forming a certain graphic pattern.
There is a saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Photography makes it possible to register a selected frame, that beauty that the photographer sees, and share it with the viewer of his work. Each of the photographs presented to you is an attempt to register an individual's admiration of the beauty that we are able to see in the world around us and to which we would like to direct your attention. By definition, viewing thumbnails requires the viewer to get closer, to "look into" a given photograph, almost to have physical contact with the image. This is a different, more intimate and individual way of viewing the exhibition. We hope it will be a pleasure for you.
Elizabeth Rokosz

Exhibition authors
Martina Bieniarz, Damian Bobrowicz, Bernard Buczek, Artur Czapiga, Ewa Jeżowska-Charchut, Ryszard Kaczmarek, Stanisław Karcz, Małgorzata Korzec, Robert Kozdraś, Rafał Orłowski, Elżbieta Rokosz, Jerzy Skiba, Agnieszka Szafirska, Zdzisław Świeca, Katarzyna Warańska, Alicja Wysocka, Artur Wysocki, Jacek Zembroń, Maciej Zdun.

Martina Bieniarz
Katarzyna Waranska
Bernard Buczek,

The exhibition is organized by the Rzeszow Photographic Association
As part of the public task called "Rzeszow Encounters with Photography".
The event is subsidized by the budget of the Municipality of Rzeszow.

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