Exhibition of photographs by the 999 Group "Pause" at the Blank Gallery cont.

Blank Gallery cd., 37 Fabryczna St., Jaworzno
Opening on Wednesday, June 29 at 18:00, exhibition until July 26, 2022

Jakub Byrczek P A U Z A (total listening) "The art of seeing - pictures instead of words".
Attention in art is caught - communicating and conveying a message, using non-verbal methods - image, gesture, rather than words?
Visual language - treat it - as the primary, pre-verbal form of describing the world?
It seems that the goal of such a treatment of communication, can become the analysis and achievement of such a state of consciousness, where IMAGE and GESTURE, rather than words, can be the primary and only channels of information with a certain range of meanings.
"The Art of Movement". (Chinese - Tai Ki Kung), - sequences of movement of the human body, or patterns, were discovered as early as in antiquity and used for the benefit of health - until modern times.
In Tai Ki Kung, a person is treated holistically, as a physical-spiritual entity, and the knowledge of these relationships has been for centuries, (and today), transmitted, by the method of visual communication: teacher-student.
The artistic performance of movement, performance, (heppening), with the participation of the instructor and participants, takes place in nature, by following the leader.
The goal of "Art of Movement" is to go beyond the perception patterns currently imposed by modern media and imaging techniques. Thus, it releases creative energy in the participants and stimulates imagination.

The authors of the exhibition, Group 999:
Jaroslav Beneš
Jakub Byrczek
Barbara Górniak
Ryszard Karczmarski
Andrew Jerzy Lech
Halina Morcinek
Kamil Myszkowski
Konrad Pollesch
Krzysztof Szlapa
Marzena Wesołowska
Marek Wesolowski
Janusz Wojcieszak