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"Restart", or the latest monographic exhibition by Waldemar Jama
The KF issue of "Kwartalnik Fotografia" includes an article by Krzysztof Jurecki about the latest exhibition by Professor Waldemar Jama. You can find the article HERE. Here are the photographs from this exhibition. LABIRYNTH, 2023 from the series "Manele" from the series "Manele" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Silesian Chariots" Z...
"Estate Z" by Artur Jastrzębski.
Gemini Park Tychy, 07.02. - 14.03.2025 What are you looking at? After all, there is nothing there. And yet there is something there. Artur Jastrzębski, in his series of photographs, takes us on a journey to a world we pass by indifferently on a daily basis, busy with everyday things. His photographs, taken on one of Tychy's housing estates, open the door to another...
"Gliwice - Theater. City like a stage" Exhibition of photographs by Dariusz Trześniowski. vernissage - February 29 (Thursday), 6:00 pm.
Duration of the exhibition: 29.02.2024 - 7.04.2024 Venue: Art Reading Room, 8a Dolnych Wałów St., 44-100 Gliwice Head of the Art Reading Room: Grzegorz Krawczyk Organizer: Art Reading Room-Museum in Gliwice Art Reading Room, 8a Dolnych Wałów St., 44-100 Gliwice Black and white photography accompanies me in every moment of my life - I think with photography, I look at the world through an imaginary prism of medium format or...
A lover of looking - Kamil Myszkowski
vernissage 1.03.2023 / hour 18:30 / Gallery Katowice Zpaf The presented exhibition is the result of the last five years of my research work on the photo amateur movement, and its main purpose is to illustrate the attitudes and image of the photo amateur as it has developed in history and culture. This is, of course, a certain perspective on the problem under discussion, as it seems impossible to create a comprehensive...
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