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Marcin Urbanowicz's book
We have already shown Marcin Urbanowicz's photographs in the pages of Fotografia Quarterly both on our website and in the paperback issue - KF43 Here we are collecting for the publication of the book! In the article that appeared in issue 43 I wrote: Most photographers who document provincial towns and villages carry a unique radar. There can be no good documentary photography without...
XPRINT22 - matter of document | exhibitions, meetings, books
8 JUL at 16:00 - 9 JUL at 21:00 XPRINT22 matter of document We would like to invite you to the next edition of XPRINT. This time we will focus on the theme of "documentary matter". Firstly, we will present different ways of making and using documentary photography, and secondly, we will analyze creative attitudes and various approaches to recording the reality around us. Ahead of us will be exhibitions, meetings around...
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