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Lucjan Demidowski / Piotr Zugaj "Technology abhors ambition"
opening: 2.12.2022, at 18.00 | author's meeting: 3.12.2022, at 13.00 The starting point for the exhibition "Technology abhors ambition" is an interview conducted by Piotr Zugaj with Lucjan Demidowski in 2020, which will also become part of the publication accompanying the exhibition. The works of the two artists presented in the exhibition review each other, at times the question of their...
Taming loneliness by Michal Lewandowski
"Boxing is not chess - here you have to think". - this golden thought of Jerzy Kulej, Olympic boxing champion from many years ago, has gone down in history not only of funny sayings of athletes. It was so surprising and "improbable" that it prompted... thinking, which, however, does not have to be boxing. Michal Lewandowski is a chess player, but also a photographer with a love of nature, who, with the help of...
Pawel Zak - photographs that avoid words
Pawel Zak is one of those photographers who, with incredible lightness, can use what the old masters used to call "the light of the image." The repeatedly shown and awarded series of his photos entitled "Stories" is an eloquent example of great visual culture in an artist whose works completely belong to the latest currents in contemporary photography. "Stories" is, in my opinion, a multi-layered ...
Natalia LL is no longer with us - we recall two articles
On Friday, August 12, 2022, Natalia Lach-Lachowicz, one of the most recognizable figures in Polish photography, died at the age of 85. "Kwartalnik Fotografia" wrote about the Wroclaw-based artist many times between 2000 and 2012, and to check it out and get to all the articles it is best to look at the Great Personal Index, which is part of Krzysztof Szymoniak's book, Without Aperture - 13 years....
Marta Pogorzala's visual experience
Photography has always been a tool that allowed man to explore. Over time, as optical devices, including cameras, became more and more advanced, and their possibilities for discovery grew, not only for scientists and researchers, but also for artists who manifested the natural human qualities of curiosity and observation. This made it possible to expand horizons not only in the field of...
A detailed plan for future surprises - an interview with Mateusz Sadowski
Magdalena Zolędź: How would you define your theoretical background? How does it influence your work? Matthew Sadowski: It depends on current fascinations. I would locate it in certain sections of fiction and popular science publications, rather than in art theory. The influence of these interests (on my work) is indirect. I assume that a work of art can have characteristics that are different and peculiar....
Weronika Jedrzejczak, Inspiration - 100,000 km - Exhalation
Looking at the photographs of Weronika Jedrzejczak, we notice in the first place the coherence of the series, we can see that all the photographs belong to the same series, that they are not a collection of random and not much in common photos, which were given only the same signboard in the form of a title. I don't know Veronika personally and I don't know her as a person, I don't know w...
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