Jerzy Wierzbicki's photographs of Oman in recent years both have something in common with and differ from his earlier works. In such series of works as "Gdańsk - Suburbia" (1995-2004) and "Post-Industrial Silesia" (2001-2006), he dealt with places that had suffered from the economic crisis. His attention was drawn to the devastated architecture and general temporariness of...
If I had to answer the question of what photography is, I would answer that creating an image, the basis of which is independent thinking. If someone were to ask me what life is about, I would answer similarly - that life is about independent thinking every minute of it. For several years I have been making self-portraits, my figure has become an indispensable part of my photographs, using...
The cover of a recently released publication dedicated to Ray Cook depicts him as a juggling clown surrounded by celebrities. This performer is magnificent, clever and talented. He brings to my mind the theater of the absurd, which is still not out of date. Indeed, in his references to homoerotic fantasy, the artist resembles the writer Jean Genet. Nevertheless, with works dating from the 1990s and the first...
The United States of America is - in addition to everything else - also the realm of photography. As early as 1888, Georges Eastman launched a camera capable of taking 100 photographs. From that moment, photography began its massive career as a national hobby, and on this basis the Kodak company built its empire. To be fair, it must be added that at the same time Americans...
Polish photography chronically suffers from a lack of figures, if not legendary, then at least of great stature. One of the few shrouded in an aura of contemporary authority is Krzysztof Miller. Born in 1962, Miller, like many of his contemporaries, not only participated in the events of martial law, but also actively began to convulse the decline of communist Poland with photography. In the second half of the 1980s, he approached the circle of...
On January 21, 2022, the exhibition "Paper Landscapes," featuring photographs, installations and objects by Kamil Myszkowski, opened at the Sielecki Castle Art Center in Sosnowiec. The exhibition was on display until April 16, 2022. The starting point for the exhibition "Paper Landscapes" is a series of photographs I have been implementing successively since 2018, in which I refer to classical photography....
When photographing the places that inspire him, Maciej Kuszela also tries to emphasize the personal nature of this inspiration. Therefore, the final form of these images is usually the result of various additional manipulations, which may be surprising when juxtaposed with the fact that the term "photojournalist" appears so often in the author's biography. However, it is understandable that when a photograph is created out of a purely personal need, it...
Writing that Wojciech Zawadzki was a great photographer is the same truism as writing that a great poet was, for example, a certain Slovakian. This everyone knows. Like any "seriousness," Wojciech Zawadzki continues to have an impact even after his death, which came for him in 2017. Less than five years later, or more precisely, from February 8 to March 18, 2022, in the extraordinary...
Waldemar Sliwczynski is known for his affection for photography, mainly through his self-published "Fotografia Quarterly". In fact, we met at the birth of the magazine, in the creation of which I decided to join, and this joint adventure continues to this day. Sliwczynski is a rare photography enthusiast who took the risk - including financial - of creating an ambitious magazine for connoisseurs....