August at MuFO

MuFo and Wawel Royal Castle
19-23 August 2024
Summer School of Photography
Do you dream of being a better and better photographer?
Want to unlock your photographic potential?
Do you love to learn from the best?
The Summer School of Photography is just for you!
During the photography masterclass co-organized by the Wawel Royal Castle and the Museum of Photography in Krakow, you will be able to try your hand at new subjects under the guidance of experts and improve yourself in those that interest you most.
The five-day course offers a large dose of accessibly told theory and time for intensive practical exercises. During the class you will learn about composition and light, explore architectural, product/subject and portrait photography. You will learn how to make a selection of photographs to create an attractive portfolio, how to best select material for a photo book or exhibition. You'll get a sneak peek at what it's like to work on digitizing museum objects and take a peek into the darkroom. All this under the guidance of exceptional people who have been paving new roads of photography and developing the Polish industry for years. The intimate group of participants at the Summer School of Photography will allow direct conversations with the presenters and the opportunity to learn from their experience.
During the masterclass, you will have the opportunity to see and even work in places that usually remain inaccessible to museum visitors. Classes will be held at the Wawel Royal Castle and the Museum of Photography in Krakow.
Pawel Bownik - Visual artist and photographer. Lecturer at the Department of Cinematography and Television Production at the Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theater in Lodz. Author of award-winning books: "Disassembly" (2013), "Colours of Lost Time" (2022). His artistic practice is based on large-format photography, working out visual conventions present in cultural history, archives and classical paintings. The artist's works can be found in the collections of the Museum of Photography in Cracow, the Huis Marseille Museum in Amsterdam, the ING Polish Art Foundation, the National Library, the National Gallery of Art - Zachęta, the Museum of Contemporary Wrocław, the Central Museum of Textiles in Lodz, the National Museum in Poznań and in private collections.
Maciej Czarnecki - is engaged in photography and popularization of architecture, especially modernist architecture. He looks for interesting buildings in Poland and abroad, which he tries to learn about and photograph. He is interested in everything that happened in architecture after 1920, especially the avant-garde. He is passionate about architecture inspired by the space age, linked to ideology, and the architecture of hotels and vacation homes. In his work, in addition to documenting disappearing heritage, he seeks to read the compositional intentions of architects and reinterpret them. He conducts photo and architectural walks and participates in lectures, debates and podcasts. He writes ebooks about architecture. He has photo exhibitions in Poland and Germany. His activities are mainly digital, via his blog and social media:
Dominika Dzikowska (Women's Foto School) - photographer, entrepreneur, photography teacher. Founder of the online Women's Foto School, where she teaches in a simple and friendly way how to take great photos: with a camera and a smartphone. Her photography courses are watched like a series on Netflix. Since 2017, she has been building an online community of women interested in photography. Today it numbers more than 130,000 people. She creates online courses, organizes training courses and free challenges, infecting people with the passion for taking photos. She has been successfully earning money from photography for years and is eager to share her experience, including in entrepreneurship, marketing and social media. Sensitive and introverted, once on a total firecracker and once tucked under a blanket. What she values most in her work is flexibility in her work and contact with creative people.
Joanna Kinowska - Art historian specializing in photography. Independent curator, photo editor, author and photographer. She works at the Służewski House of Culture as a cultural education manager. She is a frequent juror of competitions and reviewer of portfolio reviews. She conducts workshops for professionals entitled. "Thinking with Photography." Founder of the blog "The place of photography". Collaborates with Przekró, Fotopolis, Digital Camera Poland and the Quarterly magazine Photography. Co-organizer of the Photographic Publication of the Year competition. Member of RAV.A Stories.
Aleksandra Lesiak - educator with many years of experience, founder of Lesiak Photo, a product photography studio operating in Switzerland. While studying at the Interdepartmental Individual Studies in the Humanities at the Jagiellonian University, she explored theoretical knowledge of photography and its history. She enjoys focusing on details, searching for the perfect light and creating a creative photo set. Photography has been present in her life for 15 years: first it was a hobby, then it became a passion, and finally it turned into a way of life.
Rafal Milach - Photographer, visual artist and lecturer. Takes up themes of political and social tensions in the former Eastern Bloc region. Author of photographic publications that take a critical look at systems of control and strategies of protest. Lecturer at the Krzysztof Kieslowski Film School at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Recipient of scholarships from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the U.S. Department of State and the European Cultural Foundation. Winner of the Dr. Erich Salomon, World Press Photo, Author's Book Award at Les rencontres de la photographie d'Arles. Finalist for the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize and the Passports of Polityka. Co-founder of the collectives: Public Protest Archive and Sputnik Photos. His works are in the collections of Museum Folkwang, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, ING Polish Art Foundation, among others. Since 2018, he has been a member of the Magnum Photos agency.
Anna Nałęcka-Milach - Graduate of the Faculty of Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, designer of photo books (as Tapir Book Design). Books designed by her have been awarded and honored at festivals and competitions, including. At Les rencontres de la photographie d'Arles (first prize - The Author Book Award 2022, shortlisted in 2018, 2019, 2021×2, 2022×2), Grand Press Photo (first prize in 2021, 2022 and 2024, honorable mentions in 2021 and 2022), Paris Photo/Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards (shortlisted in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2020), 69, 71 and 76 POY Best Photography Book Award (first prize in 2012 and 2014, third prize in 2018), Art Books Wanted International Award (2013), Most Beautiful Polish Books (honorable mention in 2018×2 and 2024) and Photo Publication of the Year.
Natalia Wiernik - A graduate of the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, she received her doctorate from the Department of Animated Film, Photography and Digital Media. Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, winner of the "Young Poland" scholarship and the Creative Scholarship of the City of Cracow. Assistant professor at the Photography Studio 1 and head of the Department of Animated Film, Photography and Digital Media at the Faculty of Graphics, Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. Visual artist, working mainly in the field of digital media, photography and site-specific activities. Her artistic practice explores issues related to the notion of ethnic, religious and national identity. She is the founder of the MNRT collective, with which she created the book/photobook WELCOME, where, together with specialists from various fields of science, literature and art, she addresses themes such as exclusion in the context of the migration crisis. For more than 13 years, she has been creating a series of family portraits with her project "The Protagonists," exploring the ways in which the concept of family is being redefined and observing how society is changing in this context.
Wojciech Wilczyk - poet, photographer, author of essays and critical texts on art, curator of exhibitions, lecturer at the Academy of Photography in Krakow. Author of four poetry volumes and photographic documentary projects, which also had album editions: "Black and White Silesia" (1999-2003), "Calvary" (1995-2004), "Life after Life" (2004-2006), "The Innocent Eye Does Not Exist" (2006-2008), "Holy War" (2009-2014), "Polish-Polish Dictionary" (2014-2019) and together with Elzbieta Janicka "Other City" (2011-1012). Together with Grzegorz Wróblewski, he realized the intermedia project "Blue Pueblo" (2013-2014) combining text and photographs. Completed in 2016-2018, the series "Magnifications" was included in the book published jointly with Erica Lehrer, Roma Sendyka and Magdalena Zych, "View from Behind. Other Images of the Holocaust." Currently, he has finished work on the series "(In)visible Monuments to Freedom," which is dedicated to commemorating the abolition of serfdom in Polish lands. The result of his participation in the 15th edition of the Września Collection (2023) is the exhibition and book "Ordinary City."
Matthew Wozniak - visual artist, currently working mainly through the medium of photography. His works are based on the chemical technique, popularly known as analog. He graduated with a master's degree in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. He created creative video/audio materials for theatrical performances and has been involved in photography in a broad sense. For several years he has been working mainly with photography, text and video/podcasts. Participant in group exhibitions. He is fascinated by the ways of recording reality and composing with records that become both points and certificates.
Important information:
- The event is aimed at people over the age of 18, engaged in photography at an intermediate level, who want to explore the art and learn new skills. The organizers do not foresee learning how to use the camera or post-production classes.
- Use of your own camera or smartphone with a camera is a requirement for participation in the event.
- Venue: Wawel Royal Castle (Wawel 5) and the Museum of Photography in Cracow (MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka Street and MuFo Józefitów, 16 Józefitów Street).
- Price: 1500 PLN
- The price includes: five days of workshops, photography lectures and meetings with specialists, including admission to the Wawel Royal Castle exhibitions where the workshops will be held, four lunches, refreshments with coffee and a certificate of completion of the Summer School of Photography.
- Duration: August 19-23, 2024. Each day's meetings begin at 10 a.m. and end around 7 p.m. The exception is the closing day of the Summer School of Photography, Friday, August 23, when we anticipate the end of classes at around 3:30 p.m.
- The detailed schedule of the Summer School of Photography can be found in the PDF file attached at the bottom of the page.
- Number of participants: 12 people (order of registration is determined)
- Enrollment through the online reservation system:
- If you have questions, please write:,
- Coordination of the Summer School of Photography: Magdalena Gacek, Filip Skowron (Wawel Royal Castle), Maria Masternak, Anna Sidorska (Museum of Photography in Krakow)
- During selected meetings, photos will be taken to document the event, which will be published on the Castle's and MuFo's websites and social media; read more about the processing of personal data in our institutions:;
The event was co-financed from the budget of the District Council I Old Town
Detailed schedule:
August 19, 2024
Topic of the day: Basic parameters of photography (light and composition)
Part I: Wawel Royal Castle.
10.00 - welcome (Sigmund Hall, building No. 5)
10.15 - exposure parameters and principles of composition - theory (conducted by Aleksandra Lesiak)
11.45 - coffee break
12.00-15.00 - practical exercises (conducted by: Aleksandra Lesiak)
Part II: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.
15.45 - lunch break (Conference room at MuFo Rakowicka)
17.00-19.00 - meeting with Dominika Dzikowska (Women's Photo School)
August 20, 2024
Topic of the Day: Architecture photography
Part I: Wawel Royal Castle.
10.00 - welcome (Sigmund Hall, building No. 5)
10.15 - Architecture photography (conducted by: Maciej Czarnecki)
11.45 - coffee break
12.00-15.00 - practical exercises (conducted by: Maciej Czarnecki)
Part II: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.
15.45 - lunch break (Conference room at MuFo Rakowicka)
17.00-19.00 - meeting with Wojciech Wilczyk
August 21, 2024
Topic of the day: Subject photography
Part I: Wawel Royal Castle.
10.00 - welcome (Sigmund Hall, building No. 5)
10.15 - Product photography - theory (conducted by Aleksandra Lesiak)
11.45 - coffee break
12.00-15.00 - practical exercises (conducted by: Aleksandra Lesiak)
Part II: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.
15.45 - lunch break (Conference room at MuFo Rakowicka)
17.00-19.00 - meeting with Pavel Bownik
August 22, 2024
Topic of the day: Portrait photography
Part I: Wawel Royal Castle.
10.00 - welcome (Sigmund Hall, building No. 5)
10.15 - Portrait - theory (conduct: Natalia Wiernik)
11.45 - coffee break
12.00-15.00 - practical exercises (conducted by: Natalia Wiernik)
Part II: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.
15.45 - lunch break (Conference room at MuFo Rakowicka)
17.00-19.00 - meeting with Rafal Milach
August 23, 2024
Topics of the day: photo-editing (selection and selection of images for a photo project) and demonstrations in the digitizing studio and photo darkroom
MuFo Josephites, 16 Josephites St.
10.00-welcome (Cinema Hall, MuFo Josephites)
10.15-11.15 - photo-editing and photo sequence - theory (conducted by: Joanna Kinowska and Anna Nałęcka Milach)
11.30-15.00 - individual 30-minute consultations according to the schedule set by the Organizers (conducted by Joanna Kinowska and Anna Nałęcka-Milach). The schedule will be announced to the participants before the start of the course
During individual consultations, other participants can watch demonstrations in MuFo's digitization studio and photo darkroom (led by Matthew Wozniak)
MuFo Rakowicka
August 4, 2024, 12:00 pm
A curatorial tour of the main exhibition "What Does a Photo Do?"
More than 1,000 objects, including nearly 300 cameras - this thicket is worth seeing with a guide. Asking "What does a photo do?" - and therefore "how it works," but also, in colloquial terms, "what it creates" or "what makes up" a photograph. The curators of the main exhibition of the Museum of Photography in Cracow reach for a number of topics related to the process of photography and ways of using photos. "What Makes a Photo?", while not claiming the title of an exhibition devoted to the history of photography, invites viewers to trace its origins, provides insight into the technologies of recording on film, glass plate or computer disk, and recalls the profiles of female photographers.
Dr. Dominik Kuryłek - Art historian, curator. He is the author of a doctoral thesis entitled. "Nihilism in 20th Century Polish Art," which he defended at Jagiellonian University. He deals with the art of the neo-avant-garde and alternative artistic practices used by artists from Central and Eastern Europe. For 11 years he worked at the Department of Modern Polish Painting and Sculpture at the National Museum in Cracow, where he was curator of the collection responsible for contemporary art. Currently, as of 2019, he works as Head of the Department of Photography and Photographic Techniques at the Museum of Photography in Krakow (MuFo). He is responsible for shaping the collection policy, exhibition program and research strategy. He headed the team creating MuFo's main exhibition "What Does a Photo Do?".
Important information:
- Guided tours for adults
- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.
- Price: admission included in the exhibition ticket price
- Duration: about 1.5 hours.
- Number of participants: up to 20 people
- Registration through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.
August 11, 2024, 12:00 pm.
Curatorial tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas" interpreted into Polish Sign Language
Photos, photos, photos, but that's not all: Adam Karaś was not only a cinematographer, but also a passionate photographer, designer and inventor. During a curatorial tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas", the world of this eccentric artist will be explored in the company of dream guides Monika Kozień and Marta Miskowiec. Adam Karas's iconic photo atelier was filled with music, handmade props, improved and modified equipment and mysteriously lit. The artist ran the studio for more than half a century, portraying successive generations of city residents, but he didn't limit himself to portrait photography - he developed photo-oratures (photomontages using photographs), experimented, documented city life, and together with his brother also founded the film studio Brothers Karaś Film.
Marta Miskowiec - Cultural anthropologist. Author and curator of exhibitions, author of texts, author and organizer of meetings and lectures. She conducts research on amateur photography, deals with social photography and the social meaning of photography.
Important information:
- Guided tours for adults
- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.
- Price: included in the exhibition ticket
- Duration: approximately 1 hour.
- Number of participants: up to 20 people
- Registration through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.
August 24, 2024, 11 am
Seeing the city | Photo walk for adults
Adam Karaś photographed Krakow throughout his life. The window of his studio on the first floor of an apartment building at 12 Szewska Street was a great vantage point from which the photographer captured both important historical events and friends dropping by the Karasis' house to wave at them from the street.
During the photo walk we will try to adopt a different perspective and forget for a moment that we are visiting perfectly familiar places. We will think about how to see ordinary things in an extraordinary way, how to play with images and notice what is hidden, ambiguous and unusual. We will capture with humor and distance the situations we will encounter while wandering the streets of Krakow. During the walk we will invite you to undertake photographic tasks and exercises that develop imagination and sensitivity.
Małgorzata Pióro - artist photographer, educator, sociologist, art therapist, lecturer, certified trainer, trainer of "experiencing", trainer of Mark Kaminski's "Pole" method, facilitator and traveler. She is a person full of passion, positive energy and curiosity about the world. She makes her dreams come true. While traveling, she shares her enthusiasm and outlook on the world with the people she meets. She loves nature. She loves to taste coffee, music and capture moments in photographs. She enjoys challenges and adventures.
Important information:
- Adult walk
- Meeting place: 12 Szewska St.
- Price: 30 PLN
- Duration: about 2 hours.
- Number of participants: 20 people
- Purchase tickets through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at]
August 24, 12:00 pm
Guided tour with audiodescription of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas"
Photos, photos, photos, but that's not all: Adam Karas was not only a cinematographer, but also a passionate photographer, designer and inventor. During the audiotaped tour, the world of this eccentric artist will be explored in the company of guide Basia Pasterak, who will focus on the micro-world of the studio and the author's reworked objects.
Adam Karas's iconic photo atelier was filled with music, handmade props, improved and modified equipment and mysteriously lit. The artist ran the studio for more than half a century, portraying successive generations of city residents, but he didn't limit himself to portrait photography - he developed photo-oratures (photomontages using photographs), experimented, documented city life, and together with his brother also founded the film studio Brothers Karaś Film.
Barbara Pasterak - theater educator, curator of art programs, educator, trainer, accessibility leader. Graduate of Polish philology at Jagiellonian University, specialization in cultural knowledge. Coordinator and implementer of activities bringing contemporary art and theater activities closer to people with different needs.
Important information:
- The guided tour is accessible to people with visual impairments.
- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka Street.
- Price: included in the exhibition ticket
- Duration: about 1-1.5 hours.
- Number of participants: up to 12 people
- Registration through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.
August 28, 2024, 11 am
Toddlers at MuFo. A club for parents with children aged 0-1.5 years | Photo gesture.
The idea behind the "Toddlers at MuFo" series is to provide a space for parents who are at home with young children to meet, share knowledge, and relax. At MuFo we want to create a creative and friendly place for you, which allows everyone to participate in guided tours of exhibitions or workshops. Meetings are held once a month at MuFo Rakowicka and cover topics related to photography and visual culture in general. We provide the opportunity to drive a cart to the exhibition spaces and workshop rooms, a pleasant atmosphere, a smile and an interesting time.
The topic of the meeting will be photographic gesture. During the class you will be able to see, through practical exercises, how light play, focus on detail and color can affect the composition. You will learn how best to capture gestures with the camera to bring the photo to life and make it look light, spontaneous and authentic, reflecting the truth about ourselves. The meeting will be a workshop, so please bring your cameras, including those on your cell phones.
In the education room, there are carpets and cushions, as well as a dedicated area with toys and books with poufs, where you can lay your child down and have a cup of tea yourself. There is a toilet, changing table, water, and even a kitchen where you can heat water and food.
Basia Budniak - photographer, visual artist, who for years has been photographing uncommon book, album publications designed by the best. She studied photography at the Lodz Film School and the University of Arts in Poznan. She is also a polonist by education (UJ). She runs her studio at Plac Matejki in Cracow. She treats photography holistically - from the photographic gesture to the photograph. Therefore, in her works, not only artistic, but also commercial, every moment of photography is important. Her recent works "Black Heart" and "I'm not a robot" could be seen, among others, during Fotofestiwal 2022 in Lodz.
Important information:
- Meeting for parents and caregivers of children aged 0-1.5 years
- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.
- Price: 10 PLN
- Duration: about 80 minutes.
- Number of participants: 15 people
- Registration through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.
The event was subsidized by funds from the District I Council.
August 31, 2024, 3 pm
Artistic genius loci | A visit to the studio of photographer Basia Budniak
Soup in a pot on the stove, cosmetics next to chemical reagents in the bathroom: in the premises on the first floor, the life of the Karasi family mixed with the professional activities of Adam and his wife, Henryka. They ran a photography studio in their own home, and the music the photographer played for the portraits could be heard in the other rooms. During the preparation of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas" we thought a lot about the tasks of contemporary photographic studios, and we are glad that we have the opportunity to invite you not only to Karas' studio (on display at MuFo Rakowicka), but also to the studios of other male and female photographers.
This time, artist and photographer Basia Budniak will welcome you to her space: "I invite you to my studio, where I work and create on a daily basis. I will show you my works from recent years, which have often not been available to the general public - such as the hydrant from "I'm not a robot", or "Masks" and "Profile". There will also be an opportunity to see what the pandemic installation "Black Heart" looks like and view all my photographs and paintings from the heart. Due to the nature of the place, I will invite you to confront the history of Krakow and offer you a postcard from my studio."
Basia Budniak - photographer, visual artist, who for years has been photographing uncommon book, album publications designed by the best. She studied photography at the Lodz Film School and the University of Arts in Poznan. She is also a polonist by education (UJ). She runs her studio at Plac Matejki in Cracow. She treats photography holistically - from the photographic gesture to the photograph. Therefore, in her works, not only artistic, but also commercial, every moment of photography is important. Her recent works "Black Heart" and "I'm not a robot" could be seen, among others, during Fotofestiwal 2022 in Lodz.
Important information:
- Meeting for adults
- Meeting place: 17 Matejki Square
- Price: 25 PLN
- Duration: about 2 hours.
- Number of participants: 20 people
- Purchase tickets through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at]
MuFo of Josephites
August 5, 2024, 10 am
Summer at the museum | MuForanek - tame the fear of the unknown
Are you sometimes afraid of traveling to unknown (and familiar!) places? Do you feel excitement at the thought of new adventures, but also a bit of fear? During the workshop you will try to tame this fear and design your own unique device, which will come in handy during your holiday adventures.
Workshop combined with the screening of the fairy tale "Enchanted Pencil".
Anna Sidorska -museum educator. On a daily basis she works in the Education Department of the Museum of Photography in Cracow. For her, photography is a great tool for working with memory and emotions. In her work as an educator, the most important things for her are: meeting, conversation and mutual learning.
Important information:
- Workshop for children aged 6-10 years
- Place: MuFo Josephites, Josephites 16
- Price: 20 PLN
- Duration: 1.5 hours.
- Number of participants: up to 15 people
- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system: or by card at the ticket machine in the MuFo Józefów branch.
August 15, 2024, 12:00 pm
Cyanotype workshop | Plant patterns in solar printing technique
Cyanotype is a noble printing technique that uses the reaction of iron salts to produce negatives of the characteristic blue color without the need for a camera. In the 19th century, it served an auxiliary function to noble photographic techniques, and today it is classified as alternative photography.
During the workshop, participants will learn about the unusual history of the shade known as Prussian blue, and create works of art to take home with them.
Eliza Kubiak - A graduate of philosophy at the University of Warsaw and photography at the UKEN Faculty of Art and Design. Assistant professor at the Museum of Photography. Book reviewer, author of audiodescription scripts of photographs from the MuFo collection. She works with photography and printmaking, experimenting with noble photographic techniques and combining classical fine art with digital printmaking. She is interested in the processes of intertwining visual language with text. In her free time she practices yoga and reads.
Important information:
- Workshop for adults
- Place: MuFo Josephites, Josephites 16
- Price: 30 PLN
- Duration: 2 hrs.
- Number of participants: 12 people
- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system: or by card at the ticket machine in the MuFo Józefów branch.
- The museum reserves the right to postpone the workshop in case of inclement weather.
August 12, 2024, 10 am
Summer at the museum | MuForanek - we create a silent movie
Do you know why the first movies were called silent films? Although you could not listen to the dialogues in them, it does not at all mean that they had no sound! During the workshop you will learn what a silent film looks and sounds like, and how it differs from modern cinema. Most importantly, you yourself will take on the role of silent filmmakers - directors, set designers and actors.
Anna Sidorska -museum educator. On a daily basis she works in the Education Department of the Museum of Photography in Cracow. For her, photography is a great tool for working with memory and emotions. In her work as an educator, the most important things for her are: meeting, conversation and mutual learning.
Important information:
- Workshop for children aged 7-12 years
- Place: MuFo Josephites, Josephites 16
- Price: 20 PLN
- Duration: approximately 2.5 hours.
- Number of participants: up to 15 people
- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system: or by card at the ticket machine in the MuFo Józefów branch.
August 19, 2024, 10 a.m.
Summer at the museum |Exceptional vacation postcard
Sea, mountains, forest, lake - from these places we most often send ourselves or buy holiday postcards as souvenirs. And what kind of postcards did your parents, grandmothers and grandparents send each other? During the workshop you will find out that a postcard can be one of a kind. You will create your own cards, shimmering with the colors of summer. You will use old postcards from the collection of the Museum of Photography in Krakow as inspiration.
Dr. Maria Wąchała-Skindzier - historian, museologist, museum educator. Author of a doctoral dissertation, devoted to the reception of the communist period in museum narratives in 1989-2017, defended at the Faculty of History of Jagiellonian University. She holds a degree in history from Jagiellonian University and a degree in museology from Jagiellonian University's Postgraduate Museum Studies. Qualified curator. Curator of exhibitions. Head of the Nowa Huta branch of the Krakow Museum from 2016-2019. Author of scientific publications and exhibition catalogs, scenarios of museum lessons, historical walks, curatorial tours, including for children. She works at the Museum of Photography in Krakow.
Important information:
- Workshop for children aged 7-10 years
- Place: MuFo Josephites, Josephites 16
- Price: 20 PLN
- Duration: 1.5 hours.
- Number of participants: up to 15 people
- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.
August 26, 2024, 10 am
Summer at the museum | Photography yesterday and today. Make your own camera obscura
How did it start? Who was the first to take a photograph and what were the consequences? Photographic images and the technology through which they are created are now an integral part of almost everyone's life. This was not always the case. During the workshop you will learn how photography has changed over the decades.
Each participant will make their own camera obscura - an optical instrument and a prototype of a camera that allows you to enclose an image in a box!
Anna Sidorska -museum educator. On a daily basis she works in the Education Department of the Museum of Photography in Cracow. For her, photography is a great tool for working with memory and emotions. In her work as an educator, the most important things for her are: meeting, conversation and mutual learning.
Important information:
- Workshop for children aged 7-12 years
- Place: MuFo Josephites, Josephites 16
- Price: 20 PLN
- Duration: 1.5 hours.
- Number of participants: up to 15 people
- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system: or by card at the ticket machine in the MuFo Józefów branch.
August 30, 2024, 11 a.m.
With a tender eye | A photo walk in Krakow: the light of summer
What are the colors of the catching up summer in the city? What shadows are created on objects when the August sun illuminates buildings and trees? During the walk we will look at colors, chiaroscuro and architectural details and try to capture them in our lenses. We will do some exercises on working with light, composition and framing. The second stage of the walk will be street photography: everyday life, ordinary events and end-of-summer moments. In this part we will do some exercises on the practice of mindfulness, transferring it to photographic action.
Malgorzata Fatalska - photographer and teacher. She graduated in photography from the Film School in Lodz, and is currently a student at the Institute of Creative Photography at the University of Silesia in Opava. She creates abstract photomontages and takes portraits of people. She loves to travel. She is a big fan of the TV series Twin Peaks.
Important information:
- Workshop for seniors and senior citizens (but other adult amateur photographers are also welcome)
- Place: MuFo Józefitów, 16 Józefitów St.
- Price: 5 PLN
- Duration: 1.5 hours.
- Number of participants: 25 people
- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system: or by card at the ticket machine in the MuFo Józefów branch.