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Pre-sale of KF 48

...We don't know yet what the new cover will look like because we are working on it....

But we know what you can expect inside:

Is there a lack of courage in Polish photography? Is photography no longer an art, but only a tool? How to tell the story of loss?

These are just some of the questions posed and answered by Pawel Bownik in an interview in the latest issue of "Quarterly Photography." The artist reflects on the condition of contemporary photography, its limits and its potential to evoke emotions. Can photography still shock, or has it become merely an illustration of reality?

Marta Zgierska, in turn, in an interview about the exhibition Interior at Poznan's Centrala Gallery looks at the relationship between body and space, redefining notions of home, security and stability. Her Internal Landscapes created in collaboration with Matthew Sarello, show how the pandemic has affected our perception of everyday life and how our fears are changing in the face of new threats.

These are just some of the topics you will find in the upcoming issue. We have also prepared for you many other photographic series (including male nudes by Wojciech Jachyra, a photo project on the overproduction of things and ecology). There will be about the sustainable darkroom, or solarigraphy, the Photosophical Archive... And much more.

We are already starting pre-sales of the latest issue of "Photography Quarterly". We encourage you to purchase and immerse yourself in the world of photography.

KF 48 buy HERE

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