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Kwartalnik Fotografia 38/2012

10.00 30.00 

Number of pages 148
Cover design: Tomasz Wojciechowski

SKU: 26 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 13534


The cover of the 38th issue of "Quarterly Photography" as you can see is without a photo. Why? At the last moment before the whole thing went to press, we did not receive authorization from Tomasz Gudzowaty, about whom, for the first time in our publishing history, there was a silhouette article (people). So there is a text about this photographer, and in places where there should be photos stare neon X X X ... The second novelty is the invitation to our pages of the online magazine "5 shots" and the presentation of contemporary Russian photographers Sergey Maximishin and Igor Mukhin plus a column by Marcin Buras. The third news is dominated by material and problems of photojournalists - there is a curatorial text of the exhibition "World Not Presented. Documentary of the Polish transformation after 1989," and a conversation with Piotr Wojcik.
We present Joel-Peter Witkin's collages, Estelle Hanani's photos of various rituals, Sergei Isakov's "frighteningly beautiful photographs taken in the white hell of the polar void," Akos Czigany's "Blank Saved Pages" or Jacques Borgetto's on the road. In this issue, we can also move to reports from the Fotofestival in Lodz, Photomonth in Krakow and Tallinn and Kaunas. In the Young Portfolio, the works of Dawid Misiorny. We made a polemic out of Wojtek Wilczyk's "new documentarian" text about "old" documentarians, with Wojciech Zawadzki as the other participant. And Joanna Kinowska interviewed Wolfgang Tillmans, whose exhibition was held in Warsaw's Zachęta Gallery at the time. There are also reviews and discussions of books and albums: "The History of European Photography 1900-1938," "In the Car with R." Rafał Milach, "Generation of the Place" edited by Vytautas Michelkevičius, "Photographs" by Piotr Sawicki, "Naufrage volontaire" by Mack Pozoga, and "Ulica Nowa 3" by Ulrike Grossarth and Stefan Kielsznia.

Artists of the issue: Tomasz Gudzowaty, Igor Muchin and Sergey Maximishin, Joel-Peter Witkin, Estelle Hannania, Jacques Borgetto, Sergey Isakov, Akos Czigany, Dawid Misiorny, Wolfgang Tillmans, Piotr Wojcik

Authors of the texts: Renata Gluza, Bogdan Konopka, Katarzyna Majak, Adam Mazur, Marcin Buras, Monika Piotrowska, Kuba Ryniewicz, Joanna Kinowska, Wojciech Wilczyk, Wojciech Zawadzki, Waldemar Śliwczyński, Aleksandra Śliwczyńska-Kupidura

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