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Photography Quarterly No. 16 - PDF only


Number of pages: 144
In the paper version, we used different types of paper

Cover: Katarzyna Majak

96 in stock

Category: Tags: , Product ID: 16664


Contents of the issue: 2004 events, Mariusz Forecki, Jiří Křenek, Misha Pedan, Kai Bornhöft, Laurence Leblanc, Marian Kucharski, Piotr Komorowski, Jennifer Long, Ewa Martyniszyn, Katarzyna Majak, Wiktor Polak, text by Katarzyna Ruchel-Stockmans inspired by the exhibition "Short Stories" at Fotomuseum in Antwerp, Moscow Photobiennale 2004, Photographic Encounters in Arles, Helena Kardasz, Text on the beginnings of conceptualism in Polish photography, "Around the Beauty of the Silesian Land and Polish Photography of the 1930s." - text by Jerzy Piwowarski + polemic by Maciej Szymanowicz "Silesian idyll continued", + book reviews. + chronicle + translations of selected texts into English

Authors of the texts: Monika Piotrowska, Vladimír Birgus, Tatiana Pavlova, Bogdan Konopka, Eliza Gauer-Bernatowicz, Elżbieta Łubowicz, Ireneusz Zjeżdżałka, Piotr Wolynski, Krzysztof Jurecki, Irina Chmyrieva, Lusia Słomkowska, Katarzyna Ruchel-Stockmans, Katarzyna Bogacz, Ewa Jędrzejowska, Jerzy Piwowarski, Maciej Szymanowicz, Waldemar Śliwczyński

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