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Youth portfolio - regulations

Portfolio of Youth is a section in the paper "Kwartalnik Fotografia" and the online website presenting the work of debutants, creative people who feel young regardless of their age.

  1. Proposals for publication can be sent by any reader of "KF" and user of the site, the decision to publish the sent proposals is made by the editorial board
  2. Submission of a publication proposal implies acceptance of these Regulations
  3. Anyone who sends a proposal for publication declares that:
    - is the author of the submitted proposals
    - or the holder of full rights to dispose of the submitted proposals for their publication in all possible fields of exploitation
    - grants the KF Publishing House a non-exclusive license, not limited in time, to publish the submitted proposals free of charge in the paper edition of "Kwartalnik Fotografia" and on the website, as well as for promotional purposes on the digital channels run by "KF" on social networks, namely on FB, Instagram, blogs and others
    - sent proposals for publication do not violate the rights of third parties, the persons appearing in the photographs have consented to the publication of their images, these consents are in the possession of the person sending the proposal and can be shown at the request of the editorial office
    - the person sending the proposals takes full responsibility for any claims of third parties related to the publication of the proposed photographs
  4. Submitted photographs should be accompanied by information:
    - titles of photographs and the year they were taken
    - a few sentences about the author, address of residence
    - A few sentences about the images proposed for publication and the series, which includes
  5. By submitting materials, the participant agrees to their publication under his or her name and accepts the terms and conditions of the "Young Portfolio", the general terms of use and privacy policy. Acceptance of these terms and conditions is done by checking the appropriate box in the application form.
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