Krzysztof Goluch - Hotel

June 22 / 17:00 / KUPE - Janská 7, 746 01 Opava / curator: Michal Szalast of Institut tvůrčí fotografie

Michal Szalast writes this about the photos :
"The photographs of the Hotel series by Krzysztof Goluch depict the work of disabled people, while being a reflection on the destiny of man. The static figures in the photos seem to be frozen in time. No one here is running, rushing or struggling against the passing of time. The unhurried work, surrounded by color and doused in light, is endless. We will find nothing superfluous, and the clean composition is built by a specific arrangement of figures, objects and colors. To draw our attention to the world of disability, the author uses clear composition and expressive color, which are irresistibly associated with the paintings of Edward Hopper. The Hopperian realism of Goluch's photographs, filling large areas of the picture with pure color and atmospheric light, has as strong an impact as the American artist's paintings. It all seems to be set in a territory where time has lost any meaning. As Professor Vladimír Birgus describes the photographs in the Hotel series, the cinematographer balances on the borderline between classical documentary and staged art through clean, thoughtful compositions."

Krzysztof Goluch - Polish photographer and educator born in Ruda Slaska, Upper Silesia. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at Silesian University in Katowice and the Institute of Creative Photography at Silesian University in Opava. He is currently a doctoral student at the Opava university. In his work he deals with documentary photography, realizing subjects in cycles of long-term projects. His work oscillates around the problems of human existence, especially the lives of disabled people. Krzysztof Goluch is a member of the Polish Association of Photographic Artists, author of the photography book "Every Seventh". For his work in 2017 he was awarded the "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" medal by Pope Francis. He has won photo contests: first prize in the European Union competition "Breaking Stereotypes" for art students at universities (representing Institut tvůrčí fotografie), twice awarded the Polish Grand Press Photo in 2021 for a single photo in the "Daily Life" category, and in 2018 for the "Hotel" set. He has also exhibited his photographs outside Poland, including at various festivals: Trasphotographiques in French Lille and PhotoSaintGermain in Paris, Month of Photography in Bratislava, Prague Photo, Photokina in Cologne, European Month of Photography in Luxembourg. Krzysztof Goluch lives and works in Knurów, Upper Silesia, and has been working with disabled people at the local "Caritas" center for several decades.

2 Komentarzy
Waldemar Sliwczynski
The intensity of the color reminds me of Professor Birgus' photographs....
Piotr Nowak
I see Edgar Hopper here, and it's a very positive reference. More coming soon in the pages of KF!