Wild, beautiful, Polish

The Union of Polish Wildlife Photographers cordially invites you to participate in the open nationwide nature photography contest entitled. "Wild, beautiful, Polish".
The competition is organized as part of the XVIII International Festival of Nature Photography "Visions of Nature 2022".

Poland's wildlife is exceptionally beautiful and diverse. Through this contest, we want to encourage participants to observe and photograph it carefully, with special attention to the ethical aspect nature photography.
The contest is aimed at all photographers, both amateurs and professionals, not affiliated with the Union of Polish Nature Photographers.
Take part in the contest and promote photography and the beauty of Poland's wildlife!
Contest Regulations: https://zpfp.pl/images/dokumenty/DPP2022-Regulamin.pdf
A statement from the legal guardian of a minor: https://zpfp.pl/…/DPP2022-Oswiadeczenie-opiekuna…
ZPFP Code of Ethics: https://zpfp.pl/dokumenty/kodeks-etyczny-zpfp-2019-06-08.pdf
*Source: Union of Polish Wildlife Photographers.