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Oder - part two
Project Oder: The environmental disaster on the Oder River continues for another month. The mass death of animals and the destruction of the river's ecosystem prompt questions about both the role of wildlife for humans and the effectiveness of public policies to protect the environment. With the support of the European Climate Foundation, the Sputnik Photos collective is carrying out a project related to the situation on the Oder River. Rafał Milach,...
Transparency - about the photography of Eva Rubinstein
...What cannot be spoken of, must be kept silent about... Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosoficus Eva Rubinstein's photographs are transparent like water in a mountain stream. They are also transparent (diaphanous) like a calm lake, where through the reflection in its surface something unseen peeps through from the depths. And just as the water in an agitated stream blurs the shapes of the stones within,...
Everyday Documentarian
It is said that a photographer should always have a camera with him, but in reality is this always the case, has it always been so? Is it only the professional photojournalist on his shoulder who inseparably carries a bag in which he carries a tool for capturing images of life? A full-time photographer can often enter where an ordinary Kowalski can no longer, but even in this case....
Maciej Bonk - this time in Ponidzie
The author of the photographs wrote thus: The primary function of my photographs is to be more in a given place. The secondary is to show others how I see a place with the hope that someone will find such a view interesting, or similar to their own. The decision to publish photos from Ponidzie is not an easy one, as there are probably hundreds of photos taken there every day, many of which...
Taming loneliness by Michal Lewandowski
"Boxing is not chess - here you have to think". - this golden thought of Jerzy Kulej, Olympic boxing champion from many years ago, has gone down in history not only of funny sayings of athletes. It was so surprising and "improbable" that it prompted... thinking, which, however, does not have to be boxing. Michal Lewandowski is a chess player, but also a photographer with a love of nature, who, with the help of...
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