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"Scope of vision" by Zbigniew Tomaszczuk - appendix to the monograph
A book dedicated to the work of Zbigniew Tomaszczuk was published by the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts already in 2018, but the book reached me only now, a few days ago, so I can write a few words of my complement only four years after the publication of the study. The publication was prepared very carefully and provides a comprehensive overview of the artistic achievements of Professor Tomaszczuk. Very insightful articles...
Rafal Swosinski: I am interested in the image
Rafal Swosinski is one of those photographers who, instead of "philosophizing", simply prefer to photograph. And that he does not lack talent, beautiful photographs come out.... We are not interested today in the entire oeuvre of this author (there will still be time for that...), but only in a certain episode in his photography, namely the photos he took in Górka Klasztorna near Lobezenica....
Paulina Pior - about difficult relationships
Sometimes it is the case that too high expectations from a partner, a partner, lead to difficulties in the relationship, which may even end in the breakup of that relationship. It's difficult to find a cure for this evil, which is why Paulina doesn't prescribe this medicine for us. She does not cure. She is more concerned with observing the "sick" by photographing them in various situations, creating a certain ambiguous "film" narrative. About her...
Alicia Brodovich's visual exercises
We received very interesting material, which we found not only beautiful, but also extremely poignant in terms of meaning. The thought illustrated by these photographs provokes reflection, demands a revision of previous views on the beauty of nature and the human body. Here is what the author wrote about her series: Photographing the first wrinkles on the faces of people close to me or the roots of trees in...
Weronika Jedrzejczak, Inspiration - 100,000 km - Exhalation
Looking at the photographs of Weronika Jedrzejczak, we notice in the first place the coherence of the series, we can see that all the photographs belong to the same series, that they are not a collection of random and not much in common photos, which were given only the same signboard in the form of a title. I don't know Veronika personally and I don't know her as a person, I don't know w...
Kamil Sleszynski, Charms
Various sets of stories, often very personal, exploring the history of one's own family, come to our box marked "Youth Portfolio." One such story was sent by Kamil Sleszynski. The story and the accompanying photographs - archival and contemporary, by the author - are moving. It turns out that the horrors of the communist period suffered by Sleszynski's ancestors can still have an impact. The author wonders whether the traumas...
Aga Sochal - to approach critically and creatively the situation at hand
The pandemic is a phenomenon we didn't know before. When it began in March 2020, no one imagined that it would last so long and that it would affect our lives so strongly. The numerous restrictions, especially the quarantine, was a downright traumatic experience for many people. It wasn't until February 24, 2022 that we learned that it could be even worse. Before Putin...
"Photography Quarterly" is back!
After a ten-year hiatus, here we are again. In a "slightly" different, because online form, but substantively the same. As in 2000-2012, we create our magazine out of love for photography and great respect for its creators, as well as for the work of those who write about photography - critics, historians and theorists of photography, whose articles we will include. This formula, let's call...
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