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Buy your beloved/loved one a subscription to "Fotografia Quarterly" for Christmas, you will make a great pleasure!
You can now buy a subscription to "KF"- for 2025, a great Christmas gift for your "half". We guarantee that each issue of our magazine in 2025 will meet the expectations of every photography lover, and for photographers it will additionally inspire their own creativity. We are not raising subscription prices, although even parsley is getting more expensive. We hope - although we don't know if they won't increase....
"Quarterly Journal of Photography" No. 47 - the latest issue
The latest issue of "Kwartalnik Fotografia" contains more than a dozen presentations of the work of photographers from Poland and abroad, as well as reports from photography festivals, mainly from our country, but also, for example, Paris Photo. The reader will also find reviews of several books that have been published recently. Among others, we present photographs by Anita Andrzejewska, Piotr Jaxa, Grzegorz Jarmocewicz, Anka Gregorczyk, Eva Szombat, Mariusz...
"Photography Quarterly" No. 46 - do you already have it?
The latest issue of "Kwartalnik Fotografia" will be published on September 4, 2024. As usual, inside you will find primarily presentations of the work of photographers, mainly from Poland, but not only. Vladimir Birgus will share his reflections on this year's Photographic Encounters in Arles in the south of France. Krzysztof Jurecki discusses the work of Ewa Surowiec and the Jelenia Góra-based photography group Strefa Fotografii. Marianna...
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