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Slawoj Dubiel, "Everyday Photography".
Issue 48 of "Kwartalnik Fotografia" features an article about the latest work of the Opole-based photographer Slawoj Dubiel from the series "Everyday Photography", 2025 Slawoj Dubiel from the series "Everyday Photography", 2025 Slawoj Dubiel from the series "Everyday Photography", 2025 Slawoj Dubiel from the series "Everyday Photography", 2025 Slawoj Dubiel from the series "Everyday Photography", 2025 Slawoj Dubiel from the series "Everyday Photography," 2025....
Zbigniew Sawicz
In issue 48 of "Kwartalnik Fotografia", Danuta Kowalik-Dura included an article about an exhibition of photographs by Zbigniew Sawicz, which was held in October 2023 at the Katowice Gallery of the ZPAF on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the creative activity of one of Silesia's masters of photography. Photo by Zbigniew Sawicz Photo by Zbigniew Sawicz Photo by Zbigniew Sawicz Photo by Zbigniew Sawicz Photo by Zbigniew Sawicz Photo by Zbigniew...
Basia Budniak, Solarigraphics
In issue 48 of "Kwartalnik Fotografia" Marianna Michalowska published an article titled "The heart of photography - on the solarigraphic activity of Basia Budniak". Here we present some additional photographs. Solarka Solarka Solarka Book documentation Book documentation Book documentation Book documentation Book documentation Can documentation Can documentation
Photography Zone
Issue 48 of "Kwartalnik Fotografia", among others, features an article by Krzysztof Jurecki entitled Twelve Years of the Zone. In this gallery, we present photographs of other members of the group: Wojciech Miatkowski Norbert Wawrzyniak Jacek Jasko Agnieszka Hundert-Wawrzyniak Tomasz Mielech Mariusz Buczma Dariusz Szymanski Grzegorz Truchanowicz Marcin Masiewicz Marek Liksztet Iwona Gargula-Kuć GIRONA 2000 Beata Khlopeniuk Janusz Jaremen Teresa Kepowicz Nina...
"Restart", or the latest monographic exhibition by Waldemar Jama
The KF issue of "Kwartalnik Fotografia" includes an article by Krzysztof Jurecki about the latest exhibition by Professor Waldemar Jama. You can find the article HERE. Here are the photographs from this exhibition. LABIRYNTH, 2023 from the series "Manele" from the series "Manele" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Phantoms" From the series "Silesian Chariots" Z...
Zdzislaw Pacholski, Meanders of Seeing, District Museum in Koszalin
Issue 48 of Photography Quarterly published an article by Bernard Wnuk titled Better late than never. "Zdzislaw Pacholski. Meanders of Seeing" at the Museum in Koszalin. Below the Reader will find more photographs from this exhibition. We have divided them into several galleries corresponding to Zdzislaw Pacholski's series of photographs. One of the galleries also presents the exhibition itself - courtesy of Mrs. Ilona Lukjaniuk. Zdzislaw Pacholski,...
Marta Zgierska, Interior, Galeria Centrala Poznań, 16.11.2024 - 25.01.2025
KF 48 features a conversation between Anka Gregorczyk, head of Centrala Gallery, and Marta Zgierska, co-author (with Mateusz Sarello) of the Interior exhibition - here we present documentation of the exhibition. Marta Zgierska, Interior, Centrala Gallery Marta Zgierska, Core Marta Zgierska, Interior, exhibition documentation Marta Zgierska, Interior, exhibition documentation Marta Zgierska, Interior, exhibition documentation
KF 48 release and shipping from March 6!
What can you expect inside: Is there a lack of courage in Polish photography? Is photography no longer an art, but only a tool? How to tell the story of loss? These are just some of the questions posed and answered by Pawel Bownik in a conversation in the latest issue of "Kwartalnik Fotografia." The artist reflects on the condition of contemporary photography, its limits and its potential to evoke...
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