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Program of the Museum of Photography in Krakow

May 2024

MuFo Rakowicka

May 11, 2024, 11:15 am

Photography course for children | We let our imagination run wild!

When does the first camera get into the hands of a young person today? Since cameras are in almost every cell phone, it often happens really early. That's why we invite children to a photography course, during which they will be able to practice looking carefully to see more, and later also record impressions with the camera. This is an opportunity to have fun together, explore the possibilities of the camera and experiment!

Wondering if photography is art and if it can be abstract? During the class you will be able to find out by looking for places and sights that people usually do not pay attention to. Please bring cameras, they can be smartphone cameras.


Anna Pomykalska-Marczuk - Graduate of art education at the Higher School of Pedagogy in Cracow. Since 2001, she has been a member of the Association of Polish Artists. She conducts classes for both children and the blind and intellectually disabled. She also does painting, photography and participates in national and international exhibitions.

Important information:

- Workshop for children aged 7-10 years

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A

- Price: 25 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: up to 15 people

- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is being held as part of the European Funds Open Days.

May 14, 2024, 5 pm

Lecture by Prof. Małgorzata Radkiewicz. The pioneering era of cinema: workshop explorations, experiments and reflections

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the first publication of Karol Irzykowski's book "X muse. Aesthetic issues of cinema", which discussed the issues of movement, editing and the specifics of the film image. The lecture we offer will bring the considerations of a century ago closer and allow us to look at the film achievements of the Karas brothers through the prism of experimentation and fascination, which accompanied the development of cinema from the very beginning. The pioneering era fostered explorations in the field of filmmaking and staging, which were passionately and imaginatively created by Adam Karas together with his brother Victor.

It is worth juxtaposing the results of the work of the Krakow-based Karaś Brothers Film with the pioneering work of Alice Guy-Blaché - the first director in history who had to create film conventions and tools from scratch, as well as with the avant-garde productions of Germaine Dulac, who experimented with film language and style. Speaking of the Karas brothers, it is worth remembering that the first decades of the 20th century were a period of the formation of cinema as an art, an institution and an area of popular culture. This atmosphere fostered a variety of creative, activist and popularization activities, undertaken with equal commitment by professionals and amateurs.


Prof. Dr. Małgorzata Radkiewicz - film scholar, works at the Institute of Audiovisual Arts at Jagiellonian University. She works on contemporary cinema, issues of cultural identity and the work of women in film, photography and art. Expression of her interests includes publications: "In Search of Expression. On the films of Jane Campion and Sally Potter" (2001), "Rulers of the Gaze. Film theory and the practice of female directors and artists" (2010), "Reflections from behind the camera. Female directors on cinema and film form" (2022). In addition, she is the author of books on Derek Jarman, Polish film debuts of the 1990s, as well as the monograph "Faces of queer cinema" (2014). In 2015-2018, Coordinator of the National Science Center research project: "Pioneering Women with a Camera. Women in cinema and photography in Galicia 1896-1945". As a grantee of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in 2015, she conducted research that resulted in the book "Modernist Women on Cinema. Women in Polish film criticism and journalism 1918-1939" (2016). Member of the Council of the Museum of Photography in Krakow.

Important information:

- Lecture for adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: 30 people

- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

May 17, 2024, 6 pm

Family workshops. In the atelier of Adam Karas

Would you like to see how the space in which he or she creates influences the work of the photographer or photographer? Inspired by the work of Adam Karas and his unique photographic facility, full of lights, self-made props and music, we invite you to a family workshop, during which, with the help of the presenter, you will invent how you want to portray a loved one, arrange the space and finally - take a photo.

We hope that the resulting photographs will be a great family keepsake!


Martyna Lechmann - graduate of the Faculty of Drama Direction at the Kraków AST with a specialization in theater dramaturgy. She works with directors on productions for children, young people and adults in theaters throughout Poland. Translator of dramas, mainly Bosnian, Croatian and Montenegrin. Author of dramas, adaptations and theatrical scripts. Instructor of theatrical workshops and creative writing.

Important information:

- Workshop for families with children aged 7-11 years old

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: up to 15 people

- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 17, 2024, 7 pm

Curatorial tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas".

Photos, photos, photos, but that's not all: Adam Karaś was not only a cinematographer, but also a passionate photographer, designer and inventor. During the curatorial tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas", the world of this eccentric creator will be explored in the company of dream guides Monika Kozien and Marta Miskowiec.

Adam Karas's iconic photo atelier was filled with music, handmade props, improved and modified equipment and mysteriously lit. The artist ran the studio for more than half a century, portraying successive generations of city residents, but he didn't limit himself to portrait photography - he developed photo-oratures (photomontages using photographs), experimented, documented city life, and together with his brother also founded the film studio Brothers Karaś Film.


Monika Kozien - Art historian, member of AICA and the Forum of Museum Educators. Author and curator of exhibitions, author of texts, lectures and educational programs. Conducts research on contemporary art, the cultural and social role of the image, as well as the history and theory of the image; curator of the collection of contemporary art in the MuFo collection.

Marta Miskowiec - Cultural anthropologist. Author and curator of exhibitions, author of texts, author and organizer of meetings and lectures. She conducts research on amateur photography, deals with social photography and the social meaning of photography.

Important information:

- Guided tours for adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: 30 people

- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 17, 2024, 8 pm

Guided tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas" in Ukrainian

Photos, photos, photos, but that's not all: Adam Karas was not only a cinematographer, but also a passionate photographer, designer and inventor. During a guided tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas," the world of this eccentric creator will be explored in the company of a guide.

The iconic photo atelier of Adam Karas was filled with music, handmade props improved and modified equipment and mysteriously lit. The artist ran the studio for more than half a century, portraying successive generations of city residents, but he didn't limit himself to portrait photography - he developed photo-oratures (photomontages using photographs), experimented, documented city life, and together with his brother also founded the film studio Brothers Karaś Film.


Dr. Valleriia Pitenina - Art historian, researcher of book graphics and photography. She teaches at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in Kiev, where she lectures on the history of photography, among other things. She collaborates with museums and art galleries. She curates exhibitions and is passionate about contemporary art and its dissemination. Writes texts on the history of photography and book graphics for online publications.

Important information:

- Guided tours for adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: 30 people

- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

17 травень 2024, час 20.00

Екскурсія по виставці "Бути як Адам Карась" українською мовою

Фотографії, фотографії, фотографії, але це ще не все: Адам Карась був не лише фотографом, але й ентузіастом фотографії, дизайнером і винахідником. Під час кураторської екскурсії виставкою "Бути як Адам Карась " ви зможете пізнати світ цього ексцентричного художника в компанії екскурсовода.

Культова фотостудія Адама Карася була наповнена музикою, реквізитом ручної роботим, вдосконаленим і модифікованим обладнанням і таємничим освітленням. Творець понад півстоліття керував майстернею, зображуючи покоління мешканців містая, але не обмежувався лише портретною фотографією - розробляв фоторамки (фотомонтажі за допомого фотографії), експериментував, документував міське життя, а також разом з братом заснував студію Karaś Brothers Film.

Доктор Валерія Пітеніна - мистецтвознавець, дослідниця книжкової графіки та фотографії. Викладач Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури в Києві, де викладає, серед іншого, лекції з історії фотографії. Співпрацює з музеями та картинними галереями. Куратор виставок, захоплений сучасним мистецтвом та його поширенням. Пише тексти з історії фотографії та книжкової графіки для інтернет-видань.

Важлива інформація:

- Екскурсії для дорослих

- Місце: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A.

- Ціна: 5 зл

- Тривалість: 1.5 години.

- Кількість учасників: 30 осіб

- Квитки можна придбати через систему онлайн-бронюваня: , електронною поштою sklep[at] та за телефоном: 12 3957042 доб. 1226. Бронюваня за телефоном можливе з вівторка по неділю в години роботи Музею.

Захід відбувається в рамках програми "Ніч музеїв 2024"

May 17, 2024, 9 pm

Portrait with Cosmos in the Background | Thematic tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas".

The portrait is one of the oldest photographic subjects. The first documented portrait photograph was taken by Louis Daguerre himself in 1839, when he presented his revolutionary invention to the world. About eighty years later, Adam Karaś, a passionate photographer, opened his atelier in Krakow. Although the photographic studio changed locations, Karas's fantasy as a portraitist remained the same. He created photomontages, reached for all sorts of - sometimes cosmic, like a planet or the moon - props, and set models to posing with appropriate background music.

During a thematic tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas," we will present its protagonist's approach to portrait photography and talk about the techniques and experiments he used that allowed him to create a unique style.


Marcin Krotla - Art historian, museum and anti-discrimination educator. In addition to the Museum of Photography, he has worked with the Forum for Dialogue Foundation, the International Cultural Center in Krakow, MOCAK and the Wawel Royal Castle. More recently, he has also been implementing projects and conducting educational activities at the Galicia Jewish Museum. What he values most in his work as an educator is the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with the audience, build relationships and share his fascinations.

Important information:

- Guided tours for adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: 30 people

- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 17, 2024, 8 pm

A guided tour of the main exhibition "What Does a Photo Do?"

More than 1,000 objects, including nearly 300 cameras - this wealth is worth seeing with a guide. Asking "What does a photograph do?", the curators of the main exhibition at the Museum of Photography in Cracow reach for a range of topics related to the process of photography and the ways in which photographs are used. The exhibition at MuFo Rakowicka, while not devoted to the history of photography, invites viewers to trace its origins, provides insight into the technologies of recording on film, glass plate or computer disk, and recalls the profiles of female photographers.

During the guided tour you will look at the various roles of photography: a family heirloom, a trigger for communal fooling around, a tool for ethnographic research or propaganda. You will consider the future of this medium.


Magdalena Palinka - MuFo educator, cultural management student and vocalist at a jazz school. She loves spending time with loved ones, creating or talking over a cup of good coffee.

Important information:

- Guided tours for youth and adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1 hour.

- Number of participants: 25 people (participation is determined on a first-come, first-served basis)

- Participation financed by funds of the Municipality of Krakow. Tickets authorizing participation in the guided tour can be downloaded at .

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 17, 2024, 10 pm

A guided tour of the main exhibition "What Does a Photo Do?"

More than 1,000 objects, including nearly 300 cameras - this wealth is worth seeing with a guide. Asking "What does a photograph do?", the curators of the main exhibition at the Museum of Photography in Cracow reach for a range of topics related to the process of photography and the ways in which photographs are used. The exhibition at MuFo Rakowicka, while not devoted to the history of photography, invites viewers to trace its origins, provides insight into the technologies of recording on film, glass plate or computer disk, and recalls the profiles of female photographers.

During the guided tour you will look at the various roles of photography: a family heirloom, a trigger for communal fooling around, a tool for ethnographic research or propaganda. You will consider the future of this medium.


Magdalena Palinka - MuFo educator, cultural management student and vocalist at a jazz school. She loves spending time with loved ones, creating or talking over a cup of good coffee.

Important information:

- Guided tours for youth and adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1 hour.

- Number of participants: 25 people (participation is determined on a first-come, first-served basis)

- Participation financed by funds of the Municipality of Krakow. Tickets authorizing participation in the guided tour can be downloaded at

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 18, 2024, 11:15 am

Photography course for children | We make a photo session

When does the first camera get into the hands of a young person today? Since cameras are in almost every cell phone, it often happens really early. That's why we invite children to a photography course, during which they will be able to practice looking carefully to see more, and later also record impressions with the camera. This is an opportunity to have fun together, explore the possibilities of the camera and experiment!

The topic of the fourth meeting will be working with a model or a model. You will conduct a photo session yourself, learn what a blender is and why the background in photography is important. Please bring cameras, they can be smartphone cameras.


Anna Pomykalska-Marczuk - Graduate of art education at the Higher School of Pedagogy in Cracow. Since 2001, she has been a member of the Association of Polish Artists. She conducts classes for both children and the blind and intellectually disabled. She also does painting, photography and participates in national and international exhibitions.

Important information:

- Workshop for children aged 7-10 years

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A

- Price: 25 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: up to 15 people

- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

May 19, 2024, 12:00 pm

Workshop for adults and youth. "A box called imagination".

In Adam Karas's work, photographic collages occupied a special place. He even gave them a special name - photoratures. He contained his thoughts and deeper ideas in them. He saw them as an effect of artistic activity. Join us for a workshop that will be inspired by this activity of Karas and the work of contemporary artist Boguslaw Bachorczyk. During the meeting, using boxes, you will create spatial collages - imaginary worlds. Materials will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring personal trinkets, objects or photographs to enrich the works in preparation.


Boguslaw Bachorczyk - Painter, sculptor, draughtsman, multimedia artist. Doctor habilitated, professor in the 3rd Interdisciplinary Studio at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. Graduate of the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. He is the author of the concept and executor of long-standing creative projects, including the maintained diary-sketchbook (since 1986) and the project Pracownia Czysta 17 (since 2003).

Monika Kozien - Art historian, member of AICA and the Forum of Museum Educators. Author and curator of exhibitions, author of texts, lectures and educational programs. Conducts research on contemporary art, the cultural and social role of the image, as well as the history and theory of the image; curator of the collection of contemporary art in the MuFo collection.

Marta Miskowiec - Cultural anthropologist. Author and curator of exhibitions, author of texts, author and organizer of meetings and lectures. She conducts research on amateur photography, deals with social photography and the social meaning of photography.

Important information:

- Workshop for adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A

- Price: 25 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: up to 15 people

- Tickets can be purchased through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

May 22, 2024 at 11 a.m.

Toddlers in MuFo. Club for parents with children aged 0-1.5 years | Parenting - a true portrait

The idea behind the "Toddlers at MuFo" series is to provide a space for parents who are at home with young children to meet, exchange knowledge, and relax. At MuFo, we want to create a creative and friendly place for them, which allows everyone to participate in guided tours of exhibitions or workshops. Meetings are held once a month at MuFo Rakowicka and cover topics related to photography and visual culture in general. We provide the opportunity to drive a cart to the exhibition spaces and workshop rooms, a pleasant atmosphere, a smile and an interesting time.

A family portrait can be both a carefully constructed, idealized image of parenthood and a document of everyday hardship. During the meeting, we will invite you to share your experiences of photographing your changing families.

In the education room, there are carpets and cushions, as well as a dedicated area with toys and books with poufs, where you can lay your child down and have a cup of tea yourself. There is a toilet, changing table, water, and even a kitchen where you can heat water and food.


Catherine Laskus-Stwora -photographer, educator. She deals with autobiographical and conceptual art.She is an educator in the field of traditional and digital photographic image. Member of ZPAF since 2016.Scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in 2021.Author of projects: "Portfolio as an archive", "Concrete, mom, concrete!". Resident of the Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art in Ustka, where she carries out the project "Oxygen"..

Important information:

- Meeting for parents and caregivers of children aged 0-1.5 years

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.

- Price: 10 PLN

- Duration: about 80 min.

- Number of participants: 15 people

- Registration through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

May 22, 2024, 5 pm

Conservation of equipment and photography. Meeting with specialists at the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas".

In addition to the thousands of prints and negatives of Adam Karas, the collection of the Museum of Photography in Cracow to this day preserves the equipment of the photographic studio, which consists of equipment created or transformed by the artist with his own hands. The items were created to meet the needs of the photographer, but were not devoid of his characteristic style. When the objects left the boxes years later, the question of their original purpose was sometimes difficult, and the function and form lost over the years could only be reconstructed through knowledge of traditional photography, darkroom work, the history of photographic equipment and analysis of sources.

During the meeting, we will talk about our journey with Adam Karas - from the identification of an unusual collection to the conservation of selected objects and photographs. We will show how a conservator's perspective can help you get closer to recreating the artist's workshop.


Uta Hanusek - art conservator, interested in the conservation of contemporary art, paper and photography. During her studies at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, she carried out her master's thesis on the conservation of Zofia Rydet's spatial series titled "The Transformations. "Transformations." She works as a senior conservation assistant at the Department of Conservation and Storage of Collections of the Museum of Photography in Krakow. In 2023-2024, she participated in the project "To be like Adam Karas," which aimed to prepare the legacy of the Krakow photographer for the first monographic exhibition of his works. She is fascinated by direct contact with works of art and how inspiring caring for them can be.

Tomasz Sadko -a conservator of works of art and a graduate of the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. He defended his master's thesis in 2021, basing it on the subject of conservation of archival photographic materials. He is fascinated by antique objects of 19th and 20th century technology, as well as photographic equipment or antique vehicles, and at the same time their technical aspect and the way they work. He is also interested in traditional photography and darkroom work. Since 2021, he has been working with the Museum of Photography in Krakow.

Important information:

- Meeting for adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: 25 people

- Registration through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

May 24, 2024, 11 a.m.

With a tender eye | To be like Adam Karas: Portrait with a prop

His photographic studio was also an apartment, his studio lamps had their own names, and his subsequent cameras underwent modifications and improvements. Adam Karaś (1896-1986) built his life around photography, and the first retrospective exhibition of his work at the Museum of Photography in Cracow is at the same time an invitation to the world of this eccentric creator, photography enthusiast, designer and inventor.

At the next meeting of the "Tender Eye" series, participants will take a close look at the props Adam Karas used during photo shoots, make various set pieces and take portraits with them.


Malgorzata Fatalska - photographer, teacher. She graduated in photography from the Film School in Lodz, and is currently a student at the Institute of Creative Photography at the University of Silesia in Opava. She creates abstract photomontages and takes portraits of people. She loves to travel. She is a big fan of the TV series "Twin Peaks."

Important information:

- A workshop for seniors and senior citizens (but other adult amateur photographers are also welcome)

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: 25 people

- Registration through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking possible from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

May 25, 2024, 11:30 am

Family guided tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas"

Join us for a family guided tour of the exhibition "To be like Adam Karas". During it you will experience what it's like to be a photographer, set designer, poet, artist and inventor, as all these roles were performed by the exhibition's hero. You will learn the principles of portraiture, look into the atelier and take a close look at cameras. You will imagine what it might be like to pose for a photo while music plays in the background and the photographer invites you to impersonate your favorite fairy tale character. Ask questions, have conversations and respond enthusiastically to the exhibition - welcome.


Cezary Luty - Contemporary art student, associate of the Education Departments at MuFo and the National Museum in Krakow. A budding art critic, employee of the MICET museum in Krakow and coordinator of the interview department at the Mastercard OFF CAMERA festival. In her work as an educator, she values above all conversation, searching together for answers to nagging questions and rediscovering the artistic world.

Important information:

- Guided tours for families with children up to 10 years old

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, 22A Rakowicka St.

- Price: included in the exhibition ticket

- Duration: approximately 1 hour.

- Number of participants: up to 25 people

- Registration through the online booking system:, by email at tickets[at] and by phone at 12 3957042 ext. 1226. Telephone booking from Tuesday to Sunday during the Museum's opening hours.

The event is part of the educational program accompanying the "Be Like Adam Karas" exhibition.

The event is being held as part of the "Celebration of the Krakow Family".

May 25, 2024, 4 pm

Opera Cliché. Concert combined with a tour of the temporary exhibition

We cordially invite you to a unique event and the first such collaboration between MuFo and Krakow Opera, which will be inaugurated with a performance by soloists Jaroslaw Bielecki and Zuzanna Caban, accompanied by Matteo Zoli.

During the "Opera Cliché" in the glass pavilion of our Museum will sound fragments of operettas (and more!), and after the musical feast we will invite guests to visit the temporary exhibition "To be like Adam Karas", presenting the figure of a passionate photographer, designer and inventor.

Adam Karas's iconic photo atelier was filled with music, handmade props, improved and modified equipment and mysteriously lit. The artist ran the studio for more than half a century, portraying successive generations of city residents, but he didn't limit himself to portrait photography - he developed photo-oratures (photomontages using photographs), experimented, documented city life, and together with his brother also founded the film studio Brothers Karaś Film.

They will perform: Jaroslaw Bielecki, Zuzanna Caban

At the piano: Matteo Zoli

The concert program includes: works by Franz Lehár, Emmerich Kálmán, Johann Strauss and Leonard Bernstein

Information about the artists:

Zuzanna Caban - graduated with honors from the K. Penderecki Academy of Music in Cracow at the Faculty of Vocal Performance and Acting in the class of Professor Katarzyna Oleś-Blacha; she received her bachelor's degree from the Academy of Music in Łódź in the class of Dr. Dorota Wójcik. Since the 2022/2023 artistic season, she has been a full-time soloist at the Kraków Opera. She can be seen in the roles of: Maiden ("Wanda" by J. Wnuk-Nazarova), Cupid ("Orpheus in Hell" by J. Offenbach), Despina ("Cosi fan tutte" by W. A. Mozart), Adela ("Die Fledermaus" by J. Strauss), Mousetta ("La Bohème" by G. Puccini) and Sara ("The Lottery for Husbands" by K. Szymanowski). Her musical interests also include musicals. She fulfills herself as a dubbing actress.

Jaroslaw Bielecki - Graduated from the solo singing class of Rev. Prof. Zdzislaw Madej at the Faculty of Vocal and Acting at the K. Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow. Since 2018, he has been associated with the Krakow Opera. He has performed as Count Almaviva ("Barber of Seville" by G. Rossini), Candide ("Candide" by L. Bernstein), Ferrando ("Cosi fan tutte" by W. A. Mozart), Cleric ("Joan of Arc at the Stake" by A. Honegger), and Cassio ("Otello" by G. Verdi), among others. He has oratorio and cantata parts to his credit, which he has performed with orchestras, including the Cracow Philharmonic.

Matteo Zoli - Graduated from the Ottorino Respighi Conservatory in Lathina, Italy, and graduated with honors from the K. Penderecki Academy of Music in Cracow in the class of Professor Andrzej Pikul. He performs both with singers and as a soloist. In the 2024/2026 season, he will be a member of the Opera Studio at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich. He is also professionally affiliated with the Cracow Academy of Music and the Cracow Opera (2023/2024 season). Winner of the first prize in the "Rome International Competition 2019" and the first prize in the "Ischia International Competition 2019″.

Important information:

- Event for adults

- Place: MuFo Rakowicka, Rakowicka 22A

- Price: 60 PLN (music part and admission to the exhibition)

- Duration of the event: about 40 minutes (musical part) and a tour of the exhibition, depending on the visitor's time and desire

- For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the Krakow Opera website:

MuFo of Josephites

May 10, 2024, 4 pm, 5 pm, 6 pm

Guided tours of MuFo's rich interior

Although the building at 16 Józefitow Street has not been the seat of the museum from the beginning (it was first located at Starowiślna Street and later at Market Square, in the Hetmanska Tenement House), it is today the longest-operating branch of MuFo. The historic villa has served us since 1992 - in 2020 we completed its modernization, expansion and adaptation, which allowed us to create a modern museum facility in MuFo Józefitow. It is here that you can see with your own eyes what hides behind doors that are usually closed to visitors, learn how we decide which works will be included in the Museum's collection and how we take care of delicate photographs from over a century ago! A visit with us is also a unique opportunity to learn some of the museum's "know-how" on storing and organizing photographs, which will come in handy for anyone who has photographs at home and would like to give them the longest possible life.

Important information:

- Meeting for adults

- Place: MuFo Józefitów, 16 Józefitów St.

- Price 5 PLN

-Duration: 1 hour.

- Number of participants: 15 people

- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.

The tours are held as part of the European Funds Open Days.

May 17, 2024, 6 pm

How zoetrope works, that is, we put images in motion. Workshop for children

The lights go out. Conversations fall silent. You sit down in a comfortable chair and set off into the world of imagination, which frame by frame appears on the screen. It probably doesn't take anyone to convince you that a visit to the cinema is a great pleasure, but have any of you wondered what its beginning was? How did it happen that motionless images started to move? And what is all this zoetrope?

During the workshop, you will set the frames in motion, determine what order the film story should have, and consider what it takes to make an animation.


Barbara Mateja - Artist and educator, graduate of scenography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. She is qualified as a Montessori teacher, cooperates with Waldorf institutions, and conducts various art classes for people of all ages. In addition to crafts such as weaving, braiding, ceramics, knitting and printmaking, she also practices fine photographic techniques. She uses her own dyed fabrics and self-made lace and ribbons to sew costumes. She paints with self-made paints and pastels. She has received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

Important information:

- Workshop for families with children aged 7-11 years old

- Place: MuFo Józefitów, 16 Józefitów St.

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: up to 15 people

- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 17, 2024, 7 pm

Cameras were also manufactured in Poland. Lecture

The museum's studio warehouses at 16 Józefitow Street present a unique collection of Polish photographic equipment from the communist era. In addition to mass-produced cameras such as Start, Feniks, Druh and Ami, prototype copies and studio mock-ups of the equipment also appear here. The pride of the collection is the first copy of the Start I camera produced after World War II, prototypes of the Zephyr camera, which is not widely known, or a mock-up of the mysterious Druh New camera. In addition to cameras, almost all versions of mass-produced enlargers, such as Krokus, Beta and Meteor, are on display in the magazines, as well as a whole range of slide projectors or various types of photographic accessories.

During the Night of Museums, curator Marek Maszczak, custodian of this part of the collection, will present the history of the photographic equipment factories, focusing on the main manufacturer - Warsaw Photooptical Works. Against this historical backdrop, there will be stories introducing the advantages and disadvantages of particular models of cameras and enlargers, sprinkled with a bit of reminiscence and trivia about a bygone era.


Marek Maszczak - A curator who has worked at MuFo since 1990. He specializes in the history of photographic technology and conducts research on historical photographic techniques. He has curated several exhibitions. He has amassed a unique collection of Polish and Soviet photographic equipment, as well as a large collection of digital and instant photography cameras.

Important information:

- Meeting for adults

- Place: MuFo Józefitów, 16 Józefitów St.

- Price 5 PLN

- Duration: 1 hour.

- Number of participants: 15 people

- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 17, 2024, 8 pm

Meeting at the MuFo conservation studio

During the meeting, a specialist from MuFo's Conservation Department will tell you how to take care of photographs at home, what to do so that your great-grandparents' old photos do not fade like our memory, how to store negative plates, old documents, photo albums, films and what to watch out for so as not to damage them. He will tell you what factors harm your home collections and what conditions are advisable for them. If you have old photos, photographic plates or even glass negatives, pack them very carefully and bring them to us. We will be happy to show you how they can be protected.


Uta Hanusek - art conservator, interested in the conservation of contemporary art, paper and photography. During her studies at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, she carried out her master's thesis on the conservation of Zofia Rydet's spatial series titled "The Transformations. "Transformations." She works as a senior conservation assistant at the Department of Conservation and Storage of Collections of the Museum of Photography in Krakow. In 2023-2024, she participated in the project "To be like Adam Karas," which aimed to prepare the legacy of the Krakow photographer for the first monographic exhibition of his works. She is fascinated by direct contact with works of art and how inspiring caring for them can be.

Important information:

- Meeting for adults

- Place: MuFo Józefitów, 16 Józefitów St.

- Price 5 PLN

-Duration: 1 hour.

- Number of participants: 15 people

- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 17, 2024, 9 p.m., 10 p.m., 11 p.m.

A sip of espresso and a tour. Guided tours of MuFo's opulent interior

Although the building at 16 Józefitow Street has not been the seat of the museum from the beginning (it was first located at Starowiślna Street and later at Market Square, in the Hetmanska Tenement House), it is today the longest-operating branch of MuFo. The historic villa has served us since 1992 - in 2020 we completed its modernization, expansion and adaptation, which allowed us to create a modern museum facility in MuFo Józefitow. It is here that you can see with your own eyes what hides behind doors that are usually closed to visitors, learn how we decide which works will be included in the Museum's collection and how we take care of delicate photographs from over a century ago! A visit with us is also a unique opportunity to learn some of the museum's "know-how" on storing and organizing photographs, which will come in handy for anyone who has photographs at home and would like to give them the longest possible life.

The event prepared jointly with the cafe "Sweet and tender" at 5 Juliusz Lea St., where before the tour you can go for the proverbial sip of delicious coffee at a very attractive price.


Julia Jewszel - MuFo guide and educator, volunteer and activist associated with Krakow NGOs dealing with multiculturalism. Student at Jagiellonian University majoring in Culture and Media Management. Academically, she deals with accessibility in cultural institutions. She is passionate about reportage photography.

Important information:

- Guided tours for youth and adults

- Place: MuFo Józefitów, 16 Józefitów St.

- Duration: 1 hour.

-Number of participants: 15 people

- Price 5 PLN

- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.

The event is being held as part of the "Museum Night 2024" program.

May 23, 2024, 5:30 pm

Man with a camera | A walk through animated Krakow

If you are interested in the cinematic history of Krakow, this walk will be a hit. During the walk you will learn the history of one of the first animated films on Polish soil, the Animation Film Studio awarded with hundreds of prizes and one of the oldest film festivals in the world dedicated to the art of animation. Together with your guide, you will visit the places where animated films were (and are) made, were (and are) shown, and a lively discussion took place (and is taking place) around them. You won't miss New York, Sydney or Tel Aviv in your travels through Krakow animation, either!


Maciej Gil - cinema historian, researcher of the history and animator of film culture, journalist, editor, speaker, educator, festival juror and selector. For more than two decades, he has been an organizer and program consultant for numerous film events in Poland and abroad, including his own project dedicated to the history of Kinobus cinemas and Krakow Film Walks. He eagerly travels to places associated with the art of film. He has received the Polish Film Institute Awards three times and the Association of Studio Cinemas Award once.

Important information:

- Adult walk

- Meeting place: MuFo Josephites, 16 Josephites St.

- Price: 5 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: up to 20 people

- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.

May 25, 2024, 4 pm

Photo family walk

We invite you to join us for a walk, during which we will walk slowly through the vicinity of MuFo Josephites equipped with cameras, prepared to capture the frame. During the walk you will not only activate your imagination, sharpen your eyesight and catch fleeting moments, but also learn interesting stories about this part of Krakow.


Marcin Krotla - Art historian, museum and anti-discrimination educator. In addition to the Museum of Photography, he has worked with the Forum for Dialogue Foundation, the International Cultural Center in Krakow, MOCAK and the Wawel Royal Castle. More recently, he has also been implementing projects and conducting educational activities at the Galicia Jewish Museum. What he values most in his work as an educator is the opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with the audience, build relationships and share his fascinations.

Important information:

- Walk for families with children aged 8-12 years old

- Meeting place: MuFo Josephites, 16 Josephites St.

- Price: 20 PLN/person.

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: 25 people

- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.

The event is being held as part of the "Celebration of the Krakow Family".

May 26, 2024, 10 a.m.

MuForanek at MuFo Josephites

If you like to watch fairy tales, come to MuForanek, a movie morning for children. At the workshop you will watch a fairy tale, and learn who the director and production designer are. At the end, you will take on their roles to stir up the dormant stories in you and tell them in a creative way.


Blanka Blaszczak-Rozenbaum -. Ethnologist and museum educator. She is most interested in old photographs of people and thinking about who they were. What were they thinking while the photo was being taken? What did they eat before they pressed the shutter button? She looks for the answers to these questions in various stories, which she later likes to tell. And talk about them.

Important information:

- Workshop for children aged 6-10 years

- Place: MuFo Józefitów, 16 Józefitów St.

- Price: 20 PLN

- Duration: 1.5 hours.

- Number of participants: 15 people

- Tickets to be purchased through the online booking system: Or by card at the ticket machine at the MuFo Josephites branch.

The event is being held as part of the "Celebration of the Krakow Family".

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