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Kwartalnik Fotografia 23/2007

10.00 30.00 

112 pages
In the paper version, we used different types of paper and included a DVD by Izabela Gustowska "Life is a story"
Cover story: Idalina Pedrosa

SKU: 11 Category: Tags: , Product ID: 16548


We present Idalina Pedrosa's mobile art, after all, cameras in phones in 2007 were still something new. The remains of port architecture on the Hudson River were photographed by Janelle Lynch. And Mikhail Dashevsky is shown with unofficial photography of the USSR era. Christmas decorations are courtesy of 1980s photos by Andrew P.Florkowski. "Written in the Past" by Joachim Froesego are triptychs inspired by Flemish painting with a touch of Orientalism. In "Portfolio of the Young" by Pawel Kula, who has set people with their eyes closed in his portraits, seeks the limits of representation in photography... Basa Jan Adera shows staged falls. We write about contemporary pinhole photography, Gerhard Richter's photorealism, as well as Nacho López's photography from Mexico and Natalia LL's work. We publish three texts on the theory of photography by Adam Sobota, Lech Lechowicz and Krzysztof Jurecki.
About the January 2007 photography events in Sydney, as well as about the Month of Photography in Krakow and the 6th International Festival of Photography in Lodz. International Festival of Photography in Lodz was still written by Eryk Zjeżdżałka and this was the last issue he wrote for and of which he was editor-in-chief since... We also report on Szczecin's InSPIRACJE 2007, Transphotographiques in Lille (France) and the 5th Biennale of Photography in Poznan and Izabella Gustowska's exhibition "Life is a story" (the magazine also includes a CD with this exhibition) + translations of selected texts into English

Artists featured in the issue: Idalina Pedrosa, Janelle Lynch, Mikhail Daszewski, Andrzej P. Florkowski, Joachim Froese, Pawel Kula, Bas Jan Ader, Gerhard Richter, Nacho López, Natalia LL

Authors of the texts: Ireneusz Zjeżdżałka, Witold Kanicki, Bogdan Konopka, Waldemar Śliwczyński, Irina Czmyriewa, Adam Sobota, Gordon Craig, Daria Kołacka, Zbigniew Tomaszczuk, Joanna Ostaszewska-Nowicka, Magdalena Wicherkiewicz, Krzysztof Jurecki, Adam Sobota, Lech Lechowicz

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